What ate my plant.. Pics


Well-Known Member
Okay I got a 400 W system and 5 Bag seeds. I noticed some leaf damage yesterday. Can anyone Identify what caused this and how to eliminate this from spreading.
Shower grow (7).jpg


Well-Known Member
Something defoliating, I don't know what it is. Give me a shot of the underside in a closeup and I want you to check around in the top inch or two of your soil for anything hiding. If you think your plants can spare them, just take off the damaged leaves and burn them.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if theres a nest of eggs or fungus living on that leaf. Fuck yes burn it. Gotta heat to excess of 140F so if you wanted to bake them for 15 minutes @ 200 that'd work too. . . . but its gonna smell weird


Well-Known Member
Just the trimmings man! Not the whole plant! Haha, just bake whatever you trim on a baking sheet for 15 minutes @ 200 degrees. That'll wtfpwn it, otherwise some lighter fluid and a match? Regardless I don't even know that its for sure a bug! PICTURES DAMNIT BOY!


Well-Known Member
figured I would post the other problems I have noticed. It doesn't seem to be affecting the growth of the plants but It would be nice to know what happened to them...

Shoer Grow 3 (13).jpgShoer Grow 3 (12).jpgShoer Grow 3 (9).jpgShoer Grow 3 (7).jpgShoer Grow 3 (10).jpgShoer Grow 3 (8).jpg
Shoer Grow 3 (11).jpg

Grizz this is the same leaf \/ \/ \/
Shoer Grow 3 (14).jpgShoer Grow 3 (1).jpg
Sorry for the delay!


Well-Known Member
do you have a cat because that looks like it was chewed on by something bigger than an insect. What general area do you live in. My biggest problem are the flys in my backyard. When I put my plants out they come back with little white scars from the fucking fly puking on them. looking at the othr pics I would maybe say you have a caterpiller or some other larger insect. When do you notice the damage occuring?


Well-Known Member
Well Really it stopped happening, or haven't noticed it any more. I have no cat. annd I live on the East Coast (on the beach basically)