What are your thoughts on smoking and driving?

THC is more comparable to caffeine than to alcohol
Reminds when when first quit drinking. I still tried to do everything normal, just switched soda for alcohol. Keep in mind I wasn't much of a soda drinker to begin with. Between the sugar and caffeine, I got all sorts of jittery and sick. You can catch a buzz on a case of soda in a couple of hours, lol.
I can read and do math problems pretty well no matter how high I get, get hammered enough and I can't see straight, definitely not straight enough to read or solve math problems
Then you've never had quality. Anecdotal "evidence" is just that. You also left out the caffeine, I can do math and read on a couple gallons of milk or water. Jesus, form a cogent argument
You shouldn't drive fucked up. I've been known to do one hit out of a dugout and drive, I don't consider that being fucked up. It's more like relaxing to me.

Obviously, if you're going to smoke until you're blind hammered it's a different story. You're allowed to drink 1 beer and drive. If your blood alcohol is below .08 you're legal. It's up to you to know what your personal limit is and whether you're safe or not. It's pretty easy to tell.
You shouldn't drive fucked up. I've been known to do one hit out of a dugout and drive, I don't consider that being fucked up. It's more like relaxing to me.

Obviously, if you're going to smoke until you're blind hammered it's a different story. You're allowed to drink 1 beer and drive. If your blood alcohol is below .08 you're legal. It's up to you to know what your personal limit is and whether you're safe or not. It's pretty easy to tell.

in arizona. a 0.000000001 gets you the full DUI treatment. just be aware.
I say it's just like booze, not anymore safe or less, a alcoholic could still drive after the same amount a casual drinker wouldn't be able to sand...some people can smoke a blunt to the face n drive fine other (most without a tolerance) can take a hit from a pipe n b all over the road...but ultimately there really isn't a way to tell who's who so it's just safest to outlaw and kind of DWI/DUI
in arizona. a 0.000000001 gets you the full DUI treatment. just be aware.

Wow, remind me not to drink in Az. I never drink and drive anyway so that wouldn't be a problem for me.

Cops here have swab tests for weed and I hear through the grapevine that they literally drug test your license card for residue sometimes. You wouldn't want to go speeding and running stop signs unless you're stupid anyway.
What about a special license that allowed people to drive over the legal limit? Like you have to go take a really hard road test drunk and if you pass you can legally drive while a little over the legal limit
Don't get caught up on comparing drugs with differing action.
The risks associated with cannabis are different than ethanol as would say opiates or a stimulant.

I know after a tolerance break and only a few hits off a blunt I wasn't comfortable driving ...I still did of course lol. But normally it wouldn't be a problem

And with this "partial agonist" comes your ceiling giving its know safety among users however A person with no tolerance can have a very different and extreme experience
thats your fault for actually stopping.. youre already stoned driving.. might as well hit some people too.

just kidding.. ive never actually felt like smoking and driving messed with my ability one bit. i do it everyday like most people here do

i'd never drive drunk.. not to say i never have when i was young, dumb and full of, you know the rest, but as i've gotten older i've learned that it's simply not worth the risk, and it's quite obvious that being drunk and getting behind the wheel has a huge effect on my ability to drive safely.. i feel that i'm a pretty good driver over all, very defensive and alert and my head is on a swivel non stop, paying attention to what's going on not only in front of me, but also behind me as well.
saying all that, i've been driving stoned for going on, well, i guess close to 30 years now, and have never been in an accident while doing so, never thought to myself that this is not a good idea, something i can not say about dd, the bad idea part that is, not the getting into an accident bit. i don't do dabs nor do i eat edibles very much, and i think i'd not get behind the wheel if i were heavily inebriated by edibles as they usually put me on my ass pretty good, and i don't think it'd be very responsible to drive while under their influence, but again, i've never felt that by smoking flowers that i was putting myself or anyone else on the road in any kind of risk as i simply don't feel it effects my ability to operate a car in the least bit..
i'd never drive drunk.. not to say i never have when i was young, dumb and full of, you know the rest, but as i've gotten older i've learned that it's simply not worth the risk, and it's quite obvious that being drunk and getting behind the wheel has a huge effect on my ability to drive safely.. i feel that i'm a pretty good driver over all, very defensive and alert and my head is on a swivel non stop, paying attention to what's going on not only in front of me, but also behind me as well.
saying all that, i've been driving stoned for going on, well, i guess close to 30 years now, and have never been in an accident while doing so, never thought to myself that this is not a good idea, something i can not say about dd, the bad idea part that is, not the getting into an accident bit. i don't do dabs nor do i eat edibles very much, and i think i'd not get behind the wheel if i were heavily inebriated by edibles as they usually put me on my ass pretty good, and i don't think it'd be very responsible to drive while under their influence, but again, i've never felt that by smoking flowers that i was putting myself or anyone else on the road in any kind of risk as i simply don't feel it effects my ability to operate a car in the least bit..
it slows me down.. makes me more relaxed. when i drive without it i drive like a maniac trying to get everywhere in a hurry. smoke a bit and im mellowed out
I have driven and still sometimes drive uti and I'm not proud of it. I try to gauge my limits but that's definitely not a fool-proof plan. Uber is awesome for nights out, otherwise I try to chill, eat, drink water until I think Im good. For me, it seems taking a couple hits and driving 30-60 minutes later doesnt significantly effect my driving, but that really doesn't prove anything. There is always risk, I mostly fear another person hitting me when Im slightly uti. I have a clean driving record and am an over-paranoid driver, but that only partially mitigates the risk. Of course, a vast majority of the time I drive sober.
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