There's no favourite for me: it all depends on the kind of high and "feeling" i have.
On the drinking side, Litres of Milk and Lemon Tea.
Otherwise i have 2 favourite recipes:
The ready-for-munchieeez and quick to do one is just a compound made of canned tuna, canned indian corn, mayonnaise, ketchup, some vinegar n pepper. - I go crazy for thizz
Then for tha second one it's a little more complicated and takes some more work (it's better to cook it previously and keep it ready to heat in the microwave, but's definitely worth it!

). You need some kind of meat (white meats like pork or chicken is better), soy sauce, peelings of an orange or two, a slice of garlic and whatever you want to add as extra spice (i always try different variations).
Just cut the meat in stripes and keep it soaking in a 2/3 soy sauce, 1/3 water with all the other spices, the garlic, and the orange peelings for an hour or two (if it's white meat, just look at when it takes the color of the sauce.
Then take it out from the sauce (you can re-use the sauce if you plan to cook some more in the next times, otherwise throw it away), cover the meat with flour or grinded bread or whatever to cover it and then FU*K*NG FRY IT!!!
It's great.