What are you smoking today?

Ive been rocking Bhodie's Apollo 11 from F4 seedstock and bred out plenty of F5s for the genetics bank.

potent, but productive non-couchlock high. Good pain relief with no paranoia. Good for projects.
Latest pick up is some stuff called Gummy Gummy Dew Drop. Never heard of it before. Supposedly a new cross. (Any info would be greatly appreciated.) It's pretty damn good and pretty stoney. Perfect for smoking before bed time. I'll try to remember to post a pic later.
So... I got baked last night and forgot to post a pic. Bahahaha! But here is the afformentioned Gummy Gummy Dew Drop. It may not look like much, but 1 good bong rip is enough to get mellow. I generally prefer well manicured buds, but the sugar leaves in this don't seem to effect the flavor or the potency much (if any). Pretty stoney. Not heavily cerebral. So I'm guessing it's an indica/indica heavy hybrid.

Potency: 3.75/5
Takes a minute to hit, but hits hard.
Flavor: 3.75/5
FRUIT PUNCH, grape, earthy, some
diesel finish
Aroma: 4/5
GRAPE, earthy, fruit punch, diesel
Good for: Headaches, joint pain, muscle,
aches, restless leg syndrome,
insomnia, lack of appetite

I'm smoken bowls of chocolope and keif (house mix haha mostly white widow and leeroys).
Me and my buddies did a dab sesh of this tangie wax. Big ass dabs haha. Now me and my girl gonna smoke these joints ones Marion berry and the other is Lee Roy. 1461214111229-384726561.jpg
You just rub it off the leaves and roll it up?

I'm smoking some more GGDD, but this time with a fair amount of hash mixed in.
Nah i was triming the bigger fan leaf and it stick so much after 30 min of triming i get à .3 of charras on my finger i got dry hand my buddy have humid hand and hé catch like à .5 every 15 min of trimmING the fan leaf ... his first harvest hé told me i dont have weed to smoke then after an hour of trimming we was smoking that krayzy finger hash harvest on the 420 haha