What are you smoking right meow?!


Active Member
Haha resin... desperate times. I hate getting desperate... my boyfriend and me will grind our stems and smoke that. We'll even smoke what we've already burned through the volcano lol.


Active Member
Well when I asked "what are you smoking right now", it didn't necessarily have to be weed... sorry I should have clarified that... It's pretty much just what are you on


Well-Known Member
Why can't they make weed without the canabinoids for aroma purposes
They do its called commercial hemp and it contains no THC but all the fibers (and im guessing the smell)

And to make this post kinda relevant, can you smoke 4acoDMT or will it break down under heat like psilocybin.


Well-Known Member
sound like a watst of time....
Blue dream is a chick strain ..... for sure....
Man like me needs some kush...lol


Right now? Nada. Been clean for weeks in light of (hopefully) an upcoming new job offer that comes with a mandatory one-time drug test. Can't wait to get the offer, take the test ASAP, and celebrate by buying a VaporGenie and a bag of the dankest stuff I can get my hands on. I'm thinking some Sour Diesel.


Active Member
Drugs won't be a problem with the place I'm about to start working. I'll be doing billing for porn, they don't care lol. What else other than coke can you put on bud to smoke? Nothing to harsh, I'm not open to too many drugs, open, but not much lol.


Active Member
sound like a watst of time....
Blue dream is a chick strain ..... for sure....
Man like me needs some kush...lol

It was all I could find, it's kinda what's hot right now I guess. My tolerance is high as shit and I need good bud to baked. Kush doesn't really do it for me either. I have to smoke and smoke to get high but before I can even get the high I want, my throat burns.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Mayhaps you should take a Tbreak or cut back? I love to smoke mad weed as well but if smoking isnt fun/is losing its luster you might be overdoing it.


Well-Known Member
Wierd . i luv the taste of blue dream but the potency is just not there...
It was nice the first couple times i tried it but i moved on too bigger an better erbs like og kush....
I actaully just harvested some blue dream crossed with larry og...
I bet your blue dream looks kinda like this.....



Active Member
Well I know other people that smoke waaaay more than me, like I don't smoke A LOT, I go through an eighth in like 2 days, I want to smoke more than that but it just kills my throat after like the second bowl. But my friends that do nothing but smoke get high with just a bowl or two. We have a volcano (it's a Phantom but it's the same damn thing) and that seems to fuck everyone up but me, even smoking it through the vap and bong together. I've been trying to get my hands on some treats but no one has any and I don't want just any, I want like the high quality medical treats.


Well-Known Member
Well dont know about not getting high from a volcano :/

But you can make your own treats! Making butter is easy as well as firecrackers (would suggest butter though).
Or you could try to make a tincture or collect kief and press to make hash.

All of those would increase your high and be easy on your throat (not the hash but you should get baked fast).


Active Member
I feel a head change from the volcano, but I just don't get high like I used to. I loved sitting on the couch, forgetting what I'm watching while watching it, laughing for no apparent reason and not being able to move.

We collect the keif in our grinder but it's slowly building up (not the best grinder). We planned on making butter after harvesting the babies cause 2 of our plants are reg and we don't smoke reg so we might just make some butter cause I heard you can make some potent ass butter even with reg.


Well-Known Member
I could easily smoke an eighth in two days.... but i try to only smoke a gram a day...
Realistically i probly take down a couple grams on an average day just because i grow my own meds...
So its tuff when you got 4 jars half full...not too smoke more than a gram .... but i try to cut back...
Id think an 1/8 every two days is more than plenty .... maybe u shud cut back to a gram a day....
The highs will be better...your probly over medicating and gonna need more if you continue too smoke that much....
I usually have to smoke blunts just to get me there..... seems to be the trick.... i usually smoke reallluy strong stuff tho....