What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
Just in case you're american and you missed this awesome intro....

"Floppy weiner..... floppy weiner..... floppy weiner...."



Well-Known Member
It's snowing, again.

I was at this show...We camped out on roof tops and in parking garages if I remember correctly....I was young and naive.....I had a guy try and take me down some alley to "sell me pot" - I turned at the last minute from the alley - I think he was planning on mugging me....At one point we actually did get ripped off...Some guy "forced" my buddy to buy a bag of weed...Only it wasn't weed, more like grass clippings mixed with mud.....Like I said we were naive....Some clown ever tried that with me now he'd be sorry he did, lol....

The Dead played 6 shows in 7 nights....3 in a row then 1 day break, and then 3 more in a row....We had no tickets, and I don't think I hardly had any money either...I did have a bunch of LSD on me though.....

I can remember the lines backing up around the Garden....And if I remember right you went through a set of doors intoa hallway that went around the Garden before you actually got it....

Well there were these doors (for exiting only) in that hallway....And what would happen wass someone from inside the garden wold come down the stairs and open one of those doors for everyone to run in....It was like a mad rush up several flights of stairs until you popped out somewhere on a higher level and in the garden.....What was cool too was that if anyone fell during the rush people would stop to help them up not trample them underfoot.....

I remember having a vial of liquid, and just "puddling" my hand and those around me....For some reason I have this image of some guy with fat dreads dancing like crazy the whole show on the floor....

I don't remember the shows exactly but I do specifically remember a darkstar, women r smarter, US blues, and ramble on rose.....when I hear these shows on occasion though they do ring a bell....

After the show I had no money....The only thing I had was that acid...I panhandled for some money to take a train back to Cape Cod - well more like stand in Penn Station and explain to people that I was trapped/stuck in NYC and had to get home...People must have thought I was some spaced out high hippie not knowing what the heck was going on which was probably right.......When I got there I realized my roommates had gotten evicted while I was gone...So I decided to hitchhike to Ft.Lauderdale Fl with nothing but a backpack, some clothes, and some acid (which I had since put on sugar cubes)....

At some point during hy hitchhike an old guy picked me up and got me a coffee and breakfast at burger king...I was real tired so I tossed a sugar cube in my coffee to help me stay awake....I am not sure what exactly happened but some how I ended up leaving the whole bag of sugar cubes in the old man's car ! Sometimes I wonder what he might have done with them...Did he toss them out ? Or did he and his wife use them in their coffees ? lol