What Are You Listening To?


I'm getting there, shit's gonna be wickkked.

Right on man, Alice Cooper fuckin rocks

These old boys pretty savvy too in their own way.
1134 post hell yeah!


fucking shit roflmao

Best new band I have heard in a decade.
This is some brand new stuff that I really like. Have you heard black joe? He's got a few good tunes, all old blues style.

This is some brand new stuff that I really like. Have you heard black joe? He's got a few good tunes, all old blues style.

Have not heard of them, but I do like them. I love the blues.
Halloween I dress up as Jake, my homeboy is Elwood.
My car is a blue PT, it goes by Elwood or Eleanor depending on my mood.
I'm down til I fuckin DIE.
too many beers I get emotional....tears of a clown....