What Are You Listening To?

What's the ending supposed to represent? Was he going to drive over a cliff (a Thelma and Louise ref.?), then stopped?
Hold on to life?? idk..im stoned

Fkn good album i must say. Has to be played loud. Interesting people worked on the project as well.
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Fkn good album i must say.
That's good. It sucks when there is one "hit" with the rest being mediocre rehashes of it.

Has to be played loud.
What? Through headphones or 10000W horns? :mrgreen:

Interesting people worked on the project as well.
Maybe they're actually boring in real life and they just make you think their lives are full of thrilling entertainment?
Or do you mean "interesting" like Stephen Hawking is playing the banjo on a track? O_o
Ladies and Gentili Uomini...
The Claypool Lennon Delirium...
If you aren't hooked in the first four minutes, then carry on. See if you can hear the secret Black Sabbath reference...was it conscious? Probably not.

More Finnish Prog/Jazz
1974 The Hook
Jukka Tolonen. :mrgreen:

(Sorry, no vid...just sound because this stuff makes its own imagery if your weed is any good at what it's supposed to do )
An accordion piped through a phaser? :lol:
