I haven't heard Scroobius' name in a long time. I remember when he signed to Sage Francis' record label. (Strange Famous) I made a picture of the Wish You Were Here album cover with their heads photoshopped in, that Sage used for something. The only song of his I remember isListen to Scroobius Pip // "The Struggle" by Hip Hop Isn't Dead on #SoundCloud
Scroobius Pip // "The Struggle"
Purchase on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/distraction-pieces/id461509289 Via: http://hiphopisntdead.net/soundcloud.app.goo.gl
I like all sorts o
Madlib......" Distant Land "
You dudes have been around.....I remember being a freshman in college, worked on contract for a Mountain concert.......10,000 bucks.......how times have changed.Any old farts remember Felix Pappalardi and Leslie West........the group " Mountain"......the album " NANTUCKET SLEIGHRIDE" ,the song with the same name......? Bought this vinyl in 71.By the way, a Nantucket Sleigh ride is a harpooned whale pulling an old school whaling ship.View attachment 5022772