What Are You Listening To?

My Bad.. NY has to be as FAR as I could ever imagine there @SmokinCoCoJoe. Wow can I ask a ?.. What's the price of a OZ of TOP shelf weed going for out there? I mean not best friends price,,, but top-end street price for tasty, sticky, icky shit??? I'm in Portland Oregon and have watched the market fall out for #1 weed. Stores sell Mids to peoples here for 100-125$. Top end 25$ up to 35$ at the TOP TOP for a 1/8th.. Better melt your face off.....

But they got a county'' back in the SF bay area 'Contra Costa' or Coco County. Had ALOT of GREAT homeboys that I rode scooters with outta there.
My Bad.. NY has to be as FAR as I could ever imagine there @SmokinCoCoJoe. Wow can I ask a ?.. What's the price of a OZ of TOP shelf weed going for out there? I mean not best friends price,,, but top-end street price for tasty, sticky, icky shit??? I'm in Portland Oregon and have watched the market fall out for #1 weed. Stores sell Mids to peoples here for 100-125$. Top end 25$ up to 35$ at the TOP TOP for a 1/8th.. Better melt your face off.....

But they got a county'' back in the SF bay area 'Contra Costa' or Coco County. Had ALOT of GREAT homeboys that I rode scooters with outta there.
You're gonna drool when you here this then ol timer cause I think I know what you may be thinking. ;)

So...you ready.

Shit we get from dealers still everywhere whether good or bad seems to be hovering at 40 an 1/8 ($50-60 for top shelf if you even find it and in the City I've heard of 1/8ths on wall street going for $80). Now ounces different story to. Ounces of some bullshit you're probably looking about 180...ounces of top end (not really, but what people around hear call top shelf) still holds at about 275-300 tops.
People do not see top shelf here. I planning to go to Jamaica for a week in early January with the wifey (still ginna check some fields out there even with her) but right after that I'm going out to Cali for 2 weeks at the end of January and do a rd trip from socal to oregon and follow the green. I'm a bartender so I got off for a month. I'm far from rich but I'm ready to see what the fuck you all call top shelf is out there and compare notes. Maybe it is the same shit as out here...God knows it all comes from you're direction anyway...which may be part of the problem. By the time it makes it's way all the way here its gotta be degraded and beat to shit...certainly not looking how it did when it left. People packing shit in tires and going cross country...that's gonna affect what the fuck that weed is like fo sho!
I can agree with some of it there @SmokinCoCoJoe .. My good friend is turning out herbs out your ways at 400$ per..Hell people are buying weed here from the 'stores' and every store on route that ways, packaging it up to drive across country to double the duckets.. I mean anything that looks the part is a solid sale.... I stopped marketing in my little Mom and Pops shit I got going. When I first moved here like 12 years back and cranked out my first 'legal' gardens. Some years 50 pounds,,, Top shelf was 35$ for a weighted 1/8th all the way up to a Oz. And you couldn't produce enough. I had to cut off or even limit acouple peoples when I downsized.

Now people see signs off the freeways saying Ozs 99.99 per OZ. Sure is a nice-ity of being able to go in a store and shop for different strains.. Let me look at this, that. I always try to keep 4-5 strains because I need a change up to even 'try' to get high... The bad thing about tolerances....

But most people come to find out most of that shit called weeds on sale are low-end herbs outdoor weed from the prior year, and if they want good weed,, they going to have to spend that top-end money,, only to find out it ain't no better than what they were getting from them Moms and pop's grows.. At a better price.. But is some good growers around here in Portland area.. Most top-shelf weed is small batches,, under 15 pounds thereabouts..

I culled my client by alot. Getting to damn old to worry bout all that shit anymore... Besides I get to work with smaller plants which saves on ones back.. I like to think I'm doing better not more???? But the few I still deal with I give 1/4 for 25$ any lower,, ain't worth it. Still ain't enough to keep fresh bulbs in my lights... JK Speaking of which,,,, Hell I only have 10 in flower most of the time anymore 4-5 ozs per... Keeps me busy and leaves room to shop for my next unicorn,,, in the buddage department..
