What Are You Listening To?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
This tune reminds me how bad I thought it sucked when I heard a new KISS song on the radio, and not knowing it was KISS, I really liked it [ I Was Made for Loving You ], and at the end of it, the DJ says it was KISS. Aaargh! I hated KISS. This ain't exactly the same, because I knew it was gonna be Randy Newman. but because it's a JGG post, I played it. Liked it. Very surprised, because I strongly have never cared for Randy Newman. Except the duets with Rob Zombie.



Well-Known Member
This tune reminds me how bad I thought it sucked when I heard a new KISS song on the radio, and not knowing it was KISS, I really liked it [ I Was Made for Loving You ], and at the end of it, the DJ says it was KISS. Aaargh! I hated KISS. This ain't exactly the same, because I knew it was gonna be Randy Newman. but because it's a JGG post, I played it. Liked it. Very surprised, because I strongly have never cared for Randy Newman. Except the duets with Rob Zombie.

Lol. You're good shit, Amos. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Love your stories.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Maybe not so much listening to, as watching Marissa Mell ! :fire: [Mike Patton brought me here ]
Deep Deep Down
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