What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
Currently im listening to my wife bitchin about childish shit , you'd think by the time your in your 60's & been married so long you'd rather watch tv than fuk the silly shit would stop.

Im getting chewed out because i dropped a blob of smoked salmon dip & caviar on the floor along with some cracker crumbs.

I swiffered the floor a half hour ago & am still hearing about it , god dammitt ! ,she's bout to get a zanny bar to shut her ass up about me being a slob , i know im a slob thats why i pay a fukin maid to come in 3 days a week .

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Currently im listening to my wife bitchin about childish shit , you'd think by the time your in your 60's & been married so long you'd rather watch tv than fuk the silly shit would stop.

Im getting chewed out because i dropped a blob of smoked salmon dip & caviar on the floor along with some cracker crumbs.

I swiffered the floor a half hour ago & am still hearing about it , god dammitt ! ,she's bout to get a zanny bar to shut her ass up about me being a slob , i know im a slob thats why i pay a fukin maid to come in 3 days a week .
Do you have audio for us. lmao, this is the best reply to this thread that I have seen so far.


Well-Known Member
I went to the country & while i was gone , i lost control of my bodily functions , on a little white hair ladys front lawn.
Im so ashamed but i cant help myself im a wino man .

Thats whats spinning on the turn table right now .