What Are You Listening To?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there who put forth the
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the Lord with prayer
You cannot petition the Lord with prayer
Dead cats, dead rats, did you see what they were at, alright
Dead cat in a tophat
Sucking on a young man's blood
Wishing he would come, yeah
Sucking on a soldier's brain
Wishing it would be the same
Dead cat, dead rat, did you see what they were at
Fat cat in a tophat
Thinks he's an aristocrat
Thinks he can kill and slaughter
Thinks he can shoot my daughter
Yeah, right...oh yeah...alright...yeah
Dead cats, dead rats, think you're an aristocrat
Crap...ah, that's crap



Well-Known Member
And what's wrong with being on a Doors kick :)
I was on a Beatles kick this past month, I think I'll go on a Dead kick next lol


Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I <3 the early 80's.



Well-Known Member

too good not to listen to it thrice!


Well-Known Member

Listened to this on my way to the bar this morning!