What Are You Listening To?

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
"The train won't stop going........No way to slow down" bongsmilie
All aboard for the legal States! Access for all other is in the works & under progress! Train Wreck WILL be served for dinner!:weed:

With all the drunk drivers on the road out there............Whats a little Train Wreck in the privacy of your own compartment going to hurt?:-?

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Speaking of food.....I'm already getting hungry!

"Please let's pull over
And discuss the ramifications
Of a lasting and complex relationship
Like mature and responsible people do"


Brings a whole new meaning to the question "Will You PLEASE make ME a sandwich?"
It's the only type of sandwich I would ever be bold enough to ask for.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
ok...been sitting here so long my ass is asleep.

Time to go take the Schoolio to Ol Julio & I don't mean hopscotch :lol: :evil:

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
When I hear this I always think about Russian spies for some reason :joint:



Well-Known Member
England Dan can write some excellent lyrics...


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
sooo I heard this on the radio today. Made me laugh. I admit I danced to this many moons ago :eyesmoke:


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
you ever listen to kbilly's super sounds of the 70's? It's my personal favorite.
