What Are You Listening To?

Did you know this song is a true story? Willie's daughter was married to a man that was abusing her. Willie understandably felling the need to protect her, drove over to his daughter's house and slapped the guy around a bit. Willie talked some sense into him and was hoping that would be the end of it so he went back home. But at some point, later on, the man drove up Willie's driveway and started shooting at his house with a rifle and apperently almost hit him with one of the bullets. Willie returned fire and the man retreated.
After a while Willie called his daughter, she told him that her abusive husband had returned home after he and Willie's shoot out, but had then left from the house. Willie saw this as a bad sign so he hid in the barn with his shotgun. Not to long after he saw his son in law creeping up his driveway, Willie ambushed him, fired on his car, and shot out his tire.
The man ran away, but he later called the police and tried to get Willie arrested for shooting out his tire. Willie told the police that he had know idea what the man was talking about and that he must have run over a stray bullet in the road. The police either bought Willies story or they new the son in law was a scumbag because no charges were ever filed against Willie.
Flobots - Fight With Tools (album)
In my opinion one of the best albums to come out in the last 20-30 years; their subsequent albums are good, but not as great as this one.