What are you gonna spend your stimulus money on?

Dam you guys do know the 2000$ will cost you 8000$ in the future right borrowing is borrowing doesnt matter who does it.
I agree. Some people actually need it though. I wish there was a way they could get the money to only the ones who actually need it. Sure we can totally use it, but it's not like we can't pay rent, so I don't think we really need it. Nobody's work situation or anything has changed at all here so we really shouldn't get it.

A married couple can make up to $150 grand a year and will still get $1200 whether they need it or not.
Just got $1800 put in our account today. I think we're just paying bills with it though. I can send my credit card company a check for the lights I ordered on Black Friday.

My wife did bring home like 7 pounds of ribeye steaks tonight when she noticed at the store, so she already spent $50 on steaks and another hundred probably on groceries. So we're probably down to $1650 now. She's actually better at spending money than I am, lol.
A new inline fan and filter. Any suggestions?