what are YOU doing right now?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3714796 View attachment 3714797 View attachment 3714799 View attachment 3714800

Grillin some Kentucky bourbon beef satay, drinking some bers and smokin this animal cookie getting a blowie from the wife*** while I watch the sunset.

***the part about the blowie may or may not be true. :-(

Ps I know that one pic is upside down but I don't care! Not at all! Cause fuck you! (Kidding I love you you guys except alienwidow. That guy sucks. )

Oh and doesn't that one cloud like like a huge dick!? Fuck yeah.
Yes, and there are mammatus clouds in the direction it is pointing.


Well-Known Member
I decided to lay off the "sleep aids". It's fucking 5am, I'll be lucky to sneak in a "power nap".