What are these bugs on my leafs ?

Little bit of biodegradable of soap on a spray bottle will fuck em up real good. If you really want issurance, add some diced chilli. Let it sit in the water for about 10 - 30 minutes. Sift and straight in the bottle with a little soap.

Aphids are real easy to take care, much easier than spider mites.
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I have one that made its home in my cacti garden. He will say hi to me every morning and jump on my hand. not even kidding there is legit forums about these damn spiders. They also suck nutrients out of fruits and shit. they mad cool. Oh and they dont make a web!
Guess what i found on my plants by chance lol! daring jumping spider? It has white spots on the back


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Wickeeeddddddd. ill buy 2
On the show Pawn Stars someone brought one of these in...It had been made inoperable, but they said was from Vietnam era. They also said no one wanted to wear them because it made you an instant target. I wouldn't want to be on EITHER end of that thing!! Definitely badass though!
They don’t bite? Always thought those tiny jumping spiders would bite because they’re straight savages and run at you and jump at you lol
They don’t bite? Always thought those tiny jumping spiders would bite because they’re straight savages and run at you and jump at you lol
Oh they bite...I had one in my laundry tub in the basement, and I was stabbing at him with a little dowel rod and he was jumping around...Then the fu**er jumped at my hand and bit me, and it hurt like a bee sting...he died seconds later but he got in a good one!!
Can I use jump spiders as a lady bug "replacement"? There's a lot of jump spiders around my garden, but no lady bugs. I have thrips on my pure sativa flowers. I've tried hydrogen peroxyde, kitchen soap and neem oil (not in the buds), no success.
Can I use jump spiders as a lady bug "replacement"? There's a lot of jump spiders around my garden, but no lady bugs. I have thrips on my pure sativa flowers. I've tried hydrogen peroxyde, kitchen soap and neem oil (not in the buds), no success.
You can but just like any other predators if there is no food left they will die.

But that doesn't mean they got all of them. So the cycle can continue on if they die before all pests have been eaten.
They produce a venom but it has no effect on us whatsoever. The key is to get a batch of babies. So they can eat mites and anything small.
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again this isn't by all means a better alternative to ladybugs. But works just as well and i think theyre cool.
Sadly the spider I had in my tent since day one decided it wanted to eat breakfast with me.decided to join at the table then jumped off me then towards my flapjacks then towards the misses!!!she wanted no part ...Rip .spite
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Sadly the spider I had in my tent since day one decided it wanted to eat breakfast with me.decided to join at the table then jumped off me then towards my flapjacks then towards the misses!!!she wanted no part ...Rip .spite
My little guy comes and goes with crop rotation. I don't where he hides when I change out...


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