What are these bugs? Help pls

I've noticed these tiny bugs running around in my top soil and recently have noticed them spreading by the numbers. I only see them on the soil and around the fabric pots my plants are in. Used neem oil and insecticide twice now and they only come back stronger it seems. I'm hoping they are predator mites but I know I didn't put any in there myself.


I have checked under the leaves and I can't find a trace of them. I'll double check but they don't have the two spots and they don't look red neither. Nor are they russet mites.


Well-Known Member
better pics then and double check under the leaves....

They look like mites but idk the pics suck


Well-Known Member
Neem didn't take em out? maybe you did not drench enough? Not sure if you want to go the route I did, but I actually vacuumed the top of my pots today bongsmilie