What are these brown rust spots


Well-Known Member
Yea i do, advanced nutrients micro grow and bloom, ph level is 5.5. I think i may not be feeding it enough. Since its started flowering i have not raised its nutrients
Calcium and mag become blocked at anything lower than 5.8. You should increase your PH to 5.8, and that should help a lot. Peace


Active Member
Damn, don't just add things before testing the soil and knowing what you're really missing. What kindda soil is that? Why so much perlite sitting on top of soil? I've had plants looking like that when they were stressed (moving grow bags and cutting/ stressing roots) IF that's an outsde grow make sure you don't have any bugs around it. test your PH, you can add aaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll the recommended nutes and dolomite and other crap you want, if you're PH is off, that'll just get locked up and not get to your plants and just mess up the soil balance. Don't jump into a conclusion, test things b4 you add or subtract. good luck. just saw your PH, don't add a thing, adjust your PH, measure the run off water PH, adjust again. Flush if needed.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Why do you keep mentioning hydroponics? This is a soil grow...
hmm, i am pretty sure he mentioned that he's in coco, so don't know why most are assuming it's a soil grow.

also i would recommend you bump that ph in the mix to at least 6.1-6.2. no matter what any other coco grower tells you, plants do fine, if not, even better when ph is in the lower 6. something range.


New Member
Damn, don't just add things before testing the soil and knowing what you're really missing. What kindda soil is that? Why so much perlite sitting on top of soil? I've had plants looking like that when they were stressed (moving grow bags and cutting/ stressing roots) IF that's an outsde grow make sure you don't have any bugs around it. test your PH, you can add aaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll the recommended nutes and dolomite and other crap you want, if you're PH is off, that'll just get locked up and not get to your plants and just mess up the soil balance. Don't jump into a conclusion, test things b4 you add or subtract. good luck. just saw your PH, don't add a thing, adjust your PH, measure the run off water PH, adjust again. Flush if needed.
I have tested my ph. I think its ok so im definitely just not having enough of calcium in my coco given the fact i never added any besides the tiny of calcium in my nutes


New Member
hmm, i am pretty sure he mentioned that he's in coco, so don't know why most are assuming it's a soil grow.

also i would recommend you bump that ph in the mix to at least 6.1-6.2. no matter what any other coco grower tells you, plants do fine, if not, even better when ph is in the lower 6. something range.
Im not a boy... But forreal? Iver never heard of that, ive always thought a lower p.h was better


New Member
Don't bother adding the epsom salts until you mix the lime in and see how it works. If you do too many things at once, you'll have no idea what fixed (or ruined) things.

The dolimitic lime does contain some magnessium, which is what makes it dolimitic.

Normally you mix the lime in with the media before you start growing so it's part of the mix rather than a topping. It doesn't dissolve well at all so think of it as a time release form of calcium. Follow the instructions on the label or web for tablespoons per gallon and try to mix it in the top of the media.

The calmag+ stuff is more direct and water soluble (calcium nitrate). Just keep in mind that also contains a lot of nitrogen. You could probably just add more of the "micro" bottle as well. I don't really know AN products, but I assume the calcium nitrate is the majority of what's in the micro bottle.
I already bought the lime pellets, do u think it would help if i first dissolved them in hot water, let it cool and then added it to my soil?