what are them legal buds?


I'm relieved to learn that the legalbud is not illegal bud. In my case, I ordered a small amount of what I believe are herbs with natural properties for relaxing muscles etc to effect pain levels ; I was looking for an alternative to medications[ tired of them and they scare me]/smoking options [arterial disease so can't smoke], something that might help pain in a tea but legally. I wouldn't have known where to look for illegal anyway, so I ordered from them and forgot about it. Then today I got a call apparently from the FBI, but i wasn't home, just saw it on caller ID. I wracked my brain for why they'd be calling an unemployed homemaker with a disability then remembered that order...It scared the bejesus out of me. lol... I thought maybe that order was intercepted and found to be REAL buds or something. Hence me googling to make sure it wasn't and couldn't have been real...so this is a relief. Thanks for posting info on it.