What are the phases of flowering


Active Member
I know this probably depends on so many factors but I was wondering if anyone had any guidelines on the phases/stages of flowering. I'm asking because I'm about 40 days into flowering and today I noticed many leaves are turing yellow. So I checked a few threads and many seem to indicate it's normal. I've got less than 10% red/brown hairs and I'm hoping someone can give me an idea of what I should expect next, how close I might be to harvest etc.

Again I know it all depends on the plant, the strain, the light, the nutes etc.

Any thoughts? I guess I'd rather know that continue to ride this rollercoaster.


Well-Known Member
the leaves are turning yellow because the plant is using up its nitrogen and your bloom fertilizer has little nitrogen in it. it is a perfectly normal growth pattern.

it reallly is impossible to tell harvest time - the range would be 2 to 6 more weeks depending on strain and conditions


Elite Rolling Society
I look for new leaves, baby leaves growing from the heart of the buds, and I look for "the hairs" (stamens) to start turning color. It is natural for a few of the other leaves, the larger shade leaves especially, to dry up, die, wither, or turn yellow.
After I see some hairs turning red or brown, it is microscope time! Over the eyars, ive added an extra week to the FLOWERING STAGE ad I get more weight and more larger buds and I get a stronger "COUCH LOCK" HIGH TOO. I also get little wierd fingerling buds, almost white, that grow out of the big buds too , by growing an extra week.


Active Member
Here are a few pictures of the buds (I know not massive but it's what I got) a leaf (the light throws off the color and the whote deal.

I don't want to couchlock effect. In fact the opposite. Honestly, I'm just excited as hell to be growing buds.

Anymore info is apperciated. Great to have a place like this to figure shit out.



Well-Known Member
You really ought to take a picture in another light so we can see the actual color of the plant...right now, all I can guess is that based on picture 3, your plant is rusting.

Well, at least you don't have a Fe(OH)3 deficiency.

Seriously, though...DesertRat's right on the money.