What are the negatives of Atheism?

So is atheism the lack of belief in god or deity or the belief in no god or deity?

lack of belief in a god or deity. we are unconvinced that your or other gods exist. we do not think anyone has evidence to support the claim that god does in fact exist. thats it. an atheist by strict definition would not say that your god does not exist for sure. some do have beliefs in addition to atheism which says that your god doesnt exist. but thats not atheism itself
No, you carry it because it suits you, we have many forms of payment in this country so if you really were a hard line atheist you wouldn't carry it.
Why? What exactly is a hard-line atheist and why would they avoid currency because of a slogan on it? Are these hard-line atheists not allowed to touch or read bibles either? Do they have to disown friends and family that are Christians?

You seem to be creating a caricature of an atheist that instead of just being a non-believer, acts fucking crazy (like many religious people). You just said that atheists don't believe in god, which is true. However, that does not necessarily lead to this weird anti-theistic behavior you describe. In fact, this has to be one of the weirdest straw men I have ever heard, that atheists can't "...have anything on them that represent a god or deity." What strain are you smoking now, I wanna get me sum. :)

The only reason the word atheist even exists is because there are theists. If the world wasn't full of believers, people that don't believe in a god wouldn't need to identify themselves by something they are not. Atheist began and still is an accusation. You are just upset because rational people that don't believe the same shit you do have accepted that term and made it their own. You would prefer that we stop explaining how non-belief in an extraordinary claim should be the default position in any rational discussion and just admit that we are heathens.

I'm still waiting on that link that demonstrates that Penn says that he KNOWS there is no god. FWIW, I also don't believe there is a god. I have never claimed there is no god. Read that again. I don't make a positive assertion about the existence or non-existence of a deity. I definitely am not a theist but according to you I'm not a true atheist either.
No, now you are putting words in my mouth. I has nothing to do with anyone but the person that is prescribing to it and in my statement I said there are christians that do it too.
It comes down to the old argument that someone is more radical in their belief than another so they split and the people that are the hardliners stick with one another and the more liberal stick together.
Even within those two groups sooner or later they will reach a point where they draw the line and they break off and so on and so on until you have numerous types of Atheists. Just as stated before
you see this alot in churches today, so see no one immune to it so don't feel like you are being picked on.

It is simply because there are many positions which entail atheism, the lack of belief in god. It is not because atheists squabble over interpretation of divine text and beliefs, which is what you are describing here. How many threads have you seen here, or elsewhere, with atheists arguing among themselves over what atheism actually means? The arguments come from believers who insist on seeing atheism as a religion, and draw invalid comparisons, as you did here. There are different paths that can lead someone to atheism. Those paths can be described in the terms affixed to atheism, and indeed those paths don't always stop once atheism is reached, but sometimes go on to reach a conclusion.

No, you carry it because it suits you, we have many forms of payment in this country so if you really were a hard line atheist you wouldn't carry it.

Again, since you are not a dumb person, this seems like intellectual dishonesty. Do you really overlook the fact that cash is convenient and readily available to anyone even if they have no checking account or are ineligible for a credit card? If they put a line promoting the tooth fairy on money do you suppose most of america would stop using it? Again you are trying to assign irrational behavior and blind conviction to something that is simply a lack of belief. These are things we find in religion, not the lack of religion. The position of hard line atheist is a strawman.
yes oly, i am a muslim

ok, thank you for clearing it up. I can now see why you hate religion so much... I understand your point and wish i could have known your stand along time ago before making an ass out of myself, if you really are a muslim.

that also explains why you so damn smart foo,,, llolo
ok, thank you for clearing it up. I can now see why you hate religion so much... I understand your point and wish i could have known your stand along time ago before making an ass out of myself, if you really are a muslim.

that also explains why you so damn smart foo,,, llolo

someone needs to invent a sarcasm button for the internet already! lol
someone needs to invent a sarcasm button for the internet already! lol

The rest of us have implicitly agreed to stop quoting and responding to him, which negates the need for a sarcasm button, until such time he has something of substance to say.
So is atheism the lack of belief in god or deity or the belief in no god or deity?
It's so simple.
Theist = someone that believes in the existence of god

Like sen.c says, atheist is the exact opposite (or more appropriately, the negation) so atheist= someone that does not believe in the existence of god. There are only two possible options available to a person, you are either a believer or a non-believer. The only reason people make this more difficult than that is because some people think they need to ascribe some sort of positive position to people they disagree with so that they can argue them down.

Neither term can tell someone WHY a person believes or doesn't believe. For that you need to begin to put in positive descriptors. Christian, Muslim, secularist, humanist, pantheist, deist, empiricist, Buddhist, nihlist, existentialist. These are all terms that help define what a person's beliefs are which helps highlight why neither atheist OR theist gives any information about WHY a person believes or doesn't.

To view atheism as a way of life, whether beneficial or harmful, is false and misleading. Just as failure to believe in magic elves does not entail a code of living or a set of principles, so the failure to believe in a god does not imply an specific philosophical system.
The label 'atheist' announces ones disagreement with theism. It does not announce one's agreement with, or approval of, other atheists.
It's so simple.
Theist = someone that believes in the existence of god

Like sen.c says, atheist is the exact opposite (or more appropriately, the negation) so atheist= someone that does not believe in the existence of god. There are only two possible options available to a person, you are either a believer or a non-believer. The only reason people make this more difficult than that is because some people think they need to ascribe some sort of positive position to people they disagree with so that they can argue them down.

Neither term can tell someone WHY a person believes or doesn't believe. For that you need to begin to put in positive descriptors. Christian, Muslim, secularist, humanist, pantheist, deist, empiricist, Buddhist, nihlist, existentialist. These are all terms that help define what a person's beliefs are which helps highlight why neither atheist OR theist gives any information about WHY a person believes or doesn't.

To view atheism as a way of life, whether beneficial or harmful, is false and misleading. Just as failure to believe in magic elves does not entail a code of living or a set of principles, so the failure to believe in a god does not imply an specific philosophical system.
The label 'atheist' announces ones disagreement with theism. It does not announce one's agreement with, or approval of, other atheists.

Alright chill chill,

So atheists are evil? Jk dude.
What makes you think I'm not chill? Quit implying things about other people which you have no clue.

I agree with MP Hep. If you ask a math teacher to explain a formula and he does so frankly and thoroughly, you wouldn't see this as being hostile or aggressive.
I agree with MP Hep. If you ask a math teacher to explain a formula and he does so frankly and thoroughly, you wouldn't see this as being hostile or aggressive.

I never said he was being hostile. I was jut saying chill because he gave paragraphs when all I asked for was a sentence or two. But I guess if he wants to go on explaining forever then he can. I was just joking around and saying he didn't have to write all that. Damn people can't take jokes.
I never said he was being hostile. I was jut saying chill because he gave paragraphs when all I asked for was a sentence or two. But I guess if he wants to go on explaining forever then he can. I was just joking around and saying he didn't have to write all that. Damn people can't take jokes.

You fault people for not taking a joke when you offer no way to know you were joking? If you are going to be j/k, it helps if what you post is actually funny (or at least use smilies as that's what they are for).

It should be obvious the point you made is obviously not being understood by certain people in spite of multiple explanations, I really am curious now why you think a detailed explanation is not warranted.

Damn people can't make jokes.
Hmm I thought I said Jk, I guess you don't know what that means. Jk usually means just KIDDING. Either way go mindphuk yourself. :)
i think that would apply to all atheists' MP... you never got the point me and heph have been trying to make that you all are implying shit that we aint partaking in or ever will...

What makes you think I'm not chill? Quit implying things about other people which you have no clue.[/QUOTE]