What are the most economical (cheap)nutrients with good results.


Active Member
I have been using fox farm and having good results. But due to hard times I wanted to try something cheap. I am eating up the gallon bottles of Fox. Also possibly something simpler. But the main reason is to cut costs during these hard times. I heard a lot about store bought, like miracle grow, etc. I have read the fourms and it seems everything is split. Do they work? Are there others that are cheap or cheap to use? Last if I use something cheap what should I look out for and what might be needed that might be missing.

A lot of questions but basically the best economical nutrients out there for those low on money, that work from start to finish. Thanks


Well-Known Member
The GH Flora Nova one part nutes are relatively cheap and produce decent results. I use Foxfarm now, though. Make sure you feed less than the recommended dose for the GH nutes. These are inorganic ferts, so it's much easier to burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
GH 3 part is what I use..Love it and its cheap. But the first poster is right. Cut the dose the recommendations are a little strong.


Well-Known Member
Whats your grow style? Soil or Hydro? I think maybe hydro because of you fast consuption, but wanna be sure.


Well-Known Member
Whats your grow style? Soil or Hydro? I think maybe hydro because of you fast consuption, but wanna be sure.

First of all Underdog was the coolest superhero ever!!!!!

I use 10% Coco, 10% Hydron expanded clay and 60% Fox Farm Perlite. Perlite is expensive so I cut it with a finer cheaper perlite I get from a landscape store.


Active Member
Cheap as bum tomato feed. Got mine for less than £1. saying that. Its a little bit weak compared to alot of other things. Only good for flowering tho


Well-Known Member
First of all Underdog was the coolest superhero ever!!!!!

I use 10% Coco, 10% Hydron expanded clay and 60% Fox Farm Perlite. Perlite is expensive so I cut it with a finer cheaper perlite I get from a landscape store.
I would think the GH Flora Series. You can get a gallon each of all three part for 80-90 dollars. They are time tested and create wonderful results. Or the Ionic 2 part. I have used them both in the past. But I gotta say I am pretty stuck on FF these days. I have finally got a pretty steady feeding schedule tuned in. I would hate to have and change now. Either one of the two I mentioned would serve you well with ease of use.


Well-Known Member
myself id stay wit organic fox farms ... love the stuff so do the ladies
what else have you tried?

foxfarm is great but can get very pricey, and its not 100% organic. I reccomend using Age Old Organics Grow/Bloom liquid fertilizer. Cheap and organic and the NPK values are almost perfect for mj. I've used it for a few months and my plants love it! Can be found at most hydro stores and online. http://www.ageoldorganics.com/products/liquid-fertilizers/

thats what FDD uses.:hump:

i use a generic 3-part very similar to GH's 3-part that only costs $20 a gallon for each part. its availible here www.altgarden.com its called davids grow. it kicks ass.

2 ladies under 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
what else have you tried?

thats what FDD uses.:hump:

i use a generic 3-part very similar to GH's 3-part that only costs $20 a gallon for each part. its availible here www.altgarden.com its called davids grow. it kicks ass.

2 ladies under 400w hps.
mainly used the fox farms grow and bloom, tiger bloom a lill and there cha ching soluble nute... also humblodt counties snow storm and purple max, thyre both great but of course a lill goes long way


Active Member
Thanks guys. I thought GH by the price and reading. True, I would not stop FF until a new batch. I am using soil, FF and having good results. Appreciate all the input. Bake out.


Well-Known Member
Because around me theres not much to choose from without ordering, I went with Mirical Grow Organic, and its availble almost anywhere the sells plant supplies. (this is why i purchased it) It was 7.50 and i think it should last me this grow.