What are the indicators to start Veg state

What are the signs that a seedling has grown enough to enter vegatative growth, light cycles and to start nutriatients?

If anyone has a pic example of a plant just ready for veg that would be super awesome.

I have seedlings about 3.5 inches in height now, I wanna say 2 weeks since I started germination from seed. (I've ben a lazy grower and not keeping a journal) First true leaves have completely sprouted and are just barely still touching. I'm guessing its going to be a little while.
:peace: Thankies :joint:


Well-Known Member
veg starts as soon as it pops threw the soil my friend. i usaly dont add nutes til the 2nd week of veg and by then my plants have 3-5 sets of leafs


Well-Known Member
if the plant has popped the soil then it is vegging what else would it be doing. when you switch to 12/12 its flowering.


Well-Known Member
yes, i prefer 24/7 cuz they grow faster, however 18/6 will work fine and they still grow fast if you want to save a few cents. or 20/4. but i prefer 24/0.
Idk what I was thinking, openly low experience. I just didn't know the marker between seedling and veg. I think I thought veg started around the time you start nutes. Thank you for the quick answer.


Well-Known Member
its ok to need to ask questions its all a learning process. and no prob glad i could help.
do you have a journal or anything, if you need any more help just ask
I will take you up on that help, i have no problems with asking. Being a first time grower, this site is exactly what I needed. When I first started I journaled but became dismayed when my cat ate my first small plant. My current plants I honestly hadnt had much to report on, just watered with some aged tap as top soil dried out. Going to start journaling again, especially with starting nutes soon. Doing a photo journal aswell. Won't bore you on all the specifics of the set up but going with Black Gold Potting Mix, Jack's Classic and Jack's Blosson Booster and Mango Kush bag seeds from medical grade shit out of Cali.


if i'm gorwing from seed i keep them under 24/7 light for 2 weeks then switch to 18/6 but some people do veg all the way on 24/7 or 20/4 its whats eva suits you best


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i remember from somewhere reading that first stage is seedling veg stage starts after seedling stage i dont member what they said if seedling stage was two or three weeks

good luck


Well-Known Member
i remember from somewhere reading that first stage is seedling veg stage starts after seedling stage i dont member what they said if seedling stage was two or three weeks

good luck
i wait about 2 weeks after cracking the soil before i consider mine in "veg." after the 2 week seedling stage they are pretty much established (as much as possible)plants and ready for food, training, ect... this is just me though, i know many people who count veg from the day they see cotyledons.


Well-Known Member
I will take you up on that help, i have no problems with asking. Being a first time grower, this site is exactly what I needed. When I first started I journaled but became dismayed when my cat ate my first small plant. My current plants I honestly hadnt had much to report on, just watered with some aged tap as top soil dried out. Going to start journaling again, especially with starting nutes soon. Doing a photo journal aswell. Won't bore you on all the specifics of the set up but going with Black Gold Potting Mix, Jack's Classic and Jack's Blosson Booster and Mango Kush bag seeds from medical grade shit out of Cali.
well let me know when you start the journal. also black gold is a gold cheap soil, witch one will u be using. their are a few types. i used black golds coco mix with perlite and it works great. and good choice on te nutes, ive never used them but ive seen alot of grows where they were used and the plants were all healthy and turned out great and they are cheap. i want to use them on my next grow