What are the cheapest lights to use? light info needed


Active Member
I was sitting here and I'm working on a grow box of sorts :wall:
what are the cheapest lights to use?
what watts?
how many lights / watts for x amount of plants?
and how far do i put the lights from the plants?
if you can give me any advice it would be awesome my mouth is watering thinking about this box :weed:
thank you


Well-Known Member
1. The cheapest lights to use are LED's.

2. The cheapest lights to buy are CFL'S.

3. The cheapest lights for "Most bang for the buck" are HID's.


Active Member
oh I know Colorado is a little bit on the shy side of great with the sun tho ... if it wasnt a stealth.
tho i might end up with solar panels just so i can use abit of the suns power to feed the lights growing my plants