What Are The Best Materials? Help Please


Active Member
wats da deal i have a qustion i have a auto ak47 seed. whats the best soil i should get? what kind of bloom and wat shoud i feed it and what are the best lights for the plant i was going to go with a 400 watt hps for 2 ak 47 plants is that enough??

PLease help
Ocean forest soil is the best.. I would also add a little moss for better drainage. Botanicare & General Hydroponics are very good.. Lighting and temps are very important light MH is best for grow and HPS best for flower.. Depending on your area and plants you are planing on growing will determain what you can install.


Well-Known Member
Try and find out how the breeder grew the seeds and mimic their style. Soma uses Advanced Nutrients, Subcool uses his own mix with Roots Organic as the base, and Mandala recommends using any good premium soil such as Miracle Grow, Kellogg, Supersoil Potting Mix, or Sunshine Mix. I'm a big fan of Kellogg, which runs $5 for 1.3cu bag at Home Depot. I don't buy into the $$$ = better soil, but to each their own. The most important thing is to understand what you are using and learn the needs of your plants. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.