what are some accurate good ph meters.


Well-Known Member
im looking for some soil ph meters right now and would like to know what are some good ones......if possible please provide a picture


Well-Known Member
get a eutech they do all three. 220 bucks TDS, PH and temp. Thats what I got and its grouse.


I've heard that there are some that are just really bad quality and its best to spend a lot of money on your meters. Is there like a red flag that should go up when you're looking for meters? Like if its $15 it's utter crap or something along those lines? I've had this same question for a while now, kind of weary about investing in one due to ignorance of quality.


Well-Known Member
Ive had my eutech pctestr 35 for two years it cost me $220 . Ive calibrated it twice and it's just as accurate as the day i bought it. A good meter is an investment in your grow op. If you buy shit their likely to leak and you will end up drowning them and wasting more money, and you tend to look after something that cost money as well so if you look after them, rince them after use and clean with probe cleaner every now a again, try not to drop them and you be laughing. They will last you a life time. I also have a blue lab truncheon. Its good too bcause it gives me a ball park PPM reading and the eutech reads In E/C. Because you guys over the ocean there tend to use more PPM than here in OZ, we use more E/C. hope this helps don't forget the reps cheers mate and good luck.