What are my plants suffering from?? Hempy Grow Lemon Haze, Afgoo


Well-Known Member
It seems like they are suffering from some type of lock out or def. I cant call it, but I know its something. I was watering with water phed at 7.1 in hydro which is horrible so now I phed it down to 5.8-6.0 yesterday. I am also battling 95 degree weather so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it also. Here are the pics

My setup is

1000 watt mh
hempy grow using oc+ in 100% perlite
3 gallon buckets
water when the pot is light



Well-Known Member
Pretty Hot today homie~100% perlite? Sound like something I would do, my current grow is 100% rock wool.
I ph my water or feed to 5.6 +/-1~
Does your bucket have holes in the bottom?
You definitely have some type of lockout!
Here's a list of possibilities!
over watering
ph fluctuation
under feeding of nutrients!


Well-Known Member
Pretty Hot today homie~100% perlite? Sound like something I would do, my current grow is 100% rock wool.
I ph my water or feed to 5.6 +/-1~
Does your bucket have holes in the bottom?
You definitely have some type of lockout!
Here's a list of possibilities!
over watering
ph fluctuation
under feeding of nutrients!
Yes hempy style is 100% perlite with a hole 2" from the bottom of the bucket. I was told you cannot over water it but I have been watering it when the pot is light anyway so I don't think its the case. I think it was my PH was too high. The nutrients are controlled released which means the plants only use them when needed. I am hoping someone can give me a solution so I can get the girls back to normal. Right now I just been giving them ph'ed water around 5.8-6.0 but they still look the same.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but they haven't made it down that far yet. Hempy grows do not get root rot. You can find plenty of information on this method of growing on google or on this forum.