What are good supplements for working out

Surprised no hardcore gym rat like myself mentioned liquid 747, very cheap and legal.

You can get it at any feed store, it even states on the jug.... Put a hundred pounds on your horse in 90 days or your money back.
I'll brush through how I gained twenty pounds in muscle to help

Basically I eat meat with every meal I get the chance to and try to consume my pounds in weight to grams of protein.

As for supplement I use syntha 6 protein and any creatine is fine but i use six star. My pre workout is coffee.
The only things you need when lifting are protein powder/weightgainer, creatine, multivitamin and maybe omega if you don't eat enough fish. Most of the other things are bullshit. With the exception of a pre workout. Which isn't needed, but very nice to have. Those are all the things medicinally proven to make a noticeable difference. Without taking into consideration steroids.
I personally would stay away from the protein weight gainers (having taken them for 3 years). Once you get off the stuff you\re just going to lose the muscle mass. Instead I would recommend just eating a lot 4-6 meals per day. I know it can seem daunting and cost more but make yourself some PBJ's, eat a lot of oatmeal, beans, brown rice, potatoes, root veggies in general are great for carbs and caloric count. Also root veggies are really cheap and filling so you can incorporate a lot of those into your diet without spending more money.
Trying to go for the Steve Reeves look. Not bulk but leaner and big V. I have been looking at something like Gold Standard 100% Whey.

Also trying to lose weight on lower half of body I have been doing HITT interval training on treadmill or outside running. Any other ideas. I am doing more and lighter leg presses, lots of various ab exercises too.

My friend Joey bulked up and seems to attract a lot of tail. More than normal.

Any help or suggestions are welcome. Thanks. :razz: Peace
Trying to go for the Steve Reeves look. Not bulk but leaner and big V. I have been looking at something like Gold Standard 100% Whey.

Also trying to lose weight on lower half of body I have been doing HITT interval training on treadmill or outside running. Any other ideas. I am doing more and lighter leg presses, lots of various ab exercises too.

My friend Joey bulked up and seems to attract a lot of tail. More than normal.

Any help or suggestions are welcome. Thanks. :razz: Peace
I try and do 800 crunches throughout the day, run, do free weights and mainly push-ups all that of which are with my weightvest which ranges from 75 to 150 lbs depending on how I feel.