what ARE buds exactly?


Well-Known Member
are they some wierd from of flower? or are they just small leaves with crystals and hairs on them? and the crystals get so much, that you eventually have a big build up of small leaves/crystals/hairs?

i never understood what the bud really was, what is it made up of?


Well-Known Member
The buds are the calyx, flower pistils, and trichrome glands that coat the entire calyx and nearby adjoining leaves.


Well-Known Member
this is a question a thought about for years, now after growing for awhile I'm pretty sure I know exactly what buds are (hopefully :P)
buds are a number of things, they are considerd flowers, fruits and vegetables. I would say flower or fruit would be a better definition.
well thats all fine and dandy but what are they really?
in a sense they are the dead, and dried ovaries of a plant (pretty much)
a majority of a sinsimillia bud are calyx's or uunfertalised seed sacks, they swell up and get all frosty and nice and tasty mmmm the rest of the bud in order from greatest to least (according to me :P) would be the pistols (hairs comming out of the calyx's) then tiny stems, and the ocasional leaf. and of course everything is coted in trichroms of all forms.
here is a pic of a calyx in each blah of life http://www.cannabisheaven.co.uk/When_To_Harvest.jpg


Well-Known Member
wow, thanks you guys, that is a great help, and that diagram was great too. hmm i wonder how many ovaries, or calyx are in one bud, or is one bud, just one different sized calyx? cause the diagram also shows like two hairs on each one, but my buds here in this little bag, lol, theyve got many hairs, so im wondering, is this like a bunch of calyxs all close together all stuck together with tricomes? hmmm i wonder:D


Well-Known Member
a point 5 probably has over a dozen calyxes, one calyx can have alot of hairs coming out of it, but they usualy start with just 2.


Active Member
are they some wierd from of flower? or are they just small leaves with crystals and hairs on them? and the crystals get so much, that you eventually have a big build up of small leaves/crystals/hairs?
i never understood what the bud really was, what is it made up of?

"Buds" are the flowers of the female Cannabis plant. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
thats obviouse, I think he knew that. he was asking more specificaly what are they made of, what parts of a plant are they.
the most popular definition, or widely used is "a plant cultivated for its floral beauty."
I would not say cannabis falls under this category.
also flowers are usualy thought to have pedals around the reproductive organs with bright colors to help draw things to it, neither of which cannabis posses.
also flowers are though to have a sort of uniformity, or pattern. as in one flower is usualy about the same size, and template, they will have 6 pedals, all white and pink, I can go on, but I want to smoke...
this is why you will read some people calling them flowers, floral clusters, fruits, vegetables, herb, and a whole lot of other kind of plants.
cannabis is truly a one of a kind plant, one of the very few plants that have both males and females, and the only diodaciouse plant that can be sexed by looks alone.
The only plant to be able to smell and taste almost like anything else, the only plant that started civilization, has the possiblities to cloth, feed, and shelter all the world (and get them high too!!!) there ws even a car made completly of cannabis and ran completly on ethenol derived from hemp (made in the early 1900's by henry ford himself)
It seems if anything Pot wants us to know Its not like any other plnat, its special, therefor we need to make shit up, or use alot of words. :P


Well-Known Member
floral clusters, i like that, thats what im going to refer to them as from now on. i consider myself a gardener and not a "grower" i have always grown my own foods and vegetables, since i was a wee boy.


Well-Known Member
floral clusters, i like that, thats what im going to refer to them as from now on. i consider myself a gardener and not a "grower" i have always grown my own foods and vegetables, since i was a wee boy.
There is nothing like growing the food you eat and the bud you smoke:) More and more we are trying to grow our own veggies and move away from processed food in general. At least I know what went into them. Ive been so successful growing weed that my fiance wants me to do the same thing with veggies all over the house...I say NO problem..LOL :)


Active Member
The buds are baically a vagina they are formed the way they are for extra protection for the seeds so some seeds may be able to survive, the thc is a self diffence mechinism that protects the buds from bugs and cold and the number of microscopic things that could damage the plant.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing like growing the food you eat and the bud you smoke:) More and more we are trying to grow our own veggies and move away from processed food in general. At least I know what went into them. Ive been so successful growing weed that my fiance wants me to do the same thing with veggies all over the house...I say NO problem..LOL :)

yeah i know what you mean. in the old days , before industry turned us all into robots, we would all be farmers, just the idea of growing my own food until the next harvest is amazing, i grew a garden this year, i had carrots and cucombers and radishes. i would have grown other stuff like potatoes, but i moved to this place in june and it was too late and i was too busy.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know what you mean. in the old days , before industry turned us all into robots, we would all be farmers, just the idea of growing my own food until the next harvest is amazing, i grew a garden this year, i had carrots and cucombers and radishes. i would have grown other stuff like potatoes, but i moved to this place in june and it was too late and i was too busy.
There is a great book Ive been reading called "The Square Foot Garden" Excellent book although a little old. I will be trying his method out this spring. We are also going inside with a salad and herb garden. My girl is pushing me to get a light and tent just for tomatoes, cucumbers etc... LOL Someday I aspire to get off the grid. :)


Well-Known Member
thats awesome, i shoudl grow an indoor garden too, but i think with the weed and all, the hydro will go too high for me. oh well ill just start them off early in the spring inside, but good luck to all of your gardens:):bigjoint: