What are Bright White CFL's?


Well-Known Member
I was at Home Depot today and I was looking for 100w CFL's. I noticed they have the Soft White (Red Spectrum) and the Day Light (Blue? Spectrum) bulbs but I also noticed that now they have a Bright White CFL. They were all the same brand of bulb, different color boxes, and all were 100 w.

What is the difference between Bright White and Day Light? or Bright White and Soft White?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's just the spectrum that comes off of it, like soft white is 2700k and day light is 6500k...i just don't know what spectrum bright white is


Well-Known Member
Um, I've heard you can, but it's better to use soft white for your flowering because the red spectrum helps much more with getting better buds. If you really want to improve your buds though, you should use a HPS bulb but I think they're kind of expensive and you need a ballast I think. I wish I knew more about that but I can't afford to get that expensive on my grow at the moment anyway.

Way to hijack my thread, BTW.


Well-Known Member
this guy red up! and he speaks the truth... I would rather have MH or HPS, but money is the issue with me too. With CFL's you are saving alot of cash on power, and maybe on lights. but Vapor bulbs pack on the weight.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, metal halide. I didn't know that was an option. Okay, another stupid question. . . how about those halogen lights, like the ones on the dimmer. I guess you could kind of describe them like a UFO on a stick - like a den or living room lamp. Heres a pic of one. . .how would this work if it was taken off the post and hung upside down.



Well-Known Member
Hmmm, metal halide. I didn't know that was an option. Okay, another stupid question. . . how about those halogen lights, like the ones on the dimmer. I guess you could kind of describe them like a UFO on a stick - like a den or living room lamp. Heres a pic of one. . .how would this work if it was taken off the post and hung upside down.

I don't think you would want to use Halogen bulbs. The light that they give off is not suitable for plants. Most of the light is scattered and unusable by the plants. Also Halogen bulbs generate alot of heat. If I remember I think they give off more heat than HID's.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you would want to use Halogen bulbs. The light that they give off is not suitable for plants. Most of the light is scattered and unusable by the plants. Also Halogen bulbs generate alot of heat. If I remember I think they give off more heat than HID's.
Yeah I didn't think about that until after I had sent in the question. I was a bit tipsy last night when I was on. They do get hot. Man those things will burn a moth if it gets in there and it staaannnnkks!!


Well-Known Member
Redbeard™;1985263 said:
Bright white is located somewhere in the spectrum (around 3500- 4500), they will have almost no effect on your plant.

Daylight CFL's for Veg, Soft White CFL's for Flower.

check this out if you have more questions -------- https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/107992-tutorial-growing-cfls.html
Ha, ha. Funny thing. I was fixing up my grow closet some today and I was reading on the cover of those lights I got at Home Depot, and it says right on the container that the Bright White is kind of the middle of the spectrum. So I would imagine it won't hurt you plant but I don't think it would help it either. Maybe it would make them go to sleep? Like in a coma or stasis? That would be weird!


Well-Known Member
Ha, ha. Funny thing. I was fixing up my grow closet some today and I was reading on the cover of those lights I got at Home Depot, and it says right on the container that the Bright White is kind of the middle of the spectrum. So I would imagine it won't hurt you plant but I don't think it would help it either. Maybe it would make them go to sleep? Like in a coma or stasis? That would be weird!
It wont hurt them... but you are right on the coma. Not real wild like dead, but it would not allow the plant to reach its full potential at all... especially with CFL's.:weed:

Check out my grow by clicking on the link at the bottom... I am using CFL's right now and the growth is great!