What are a patients "grow rights" really worth?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Here is another option. Give the patients back their grow rights and let them see how much work it takes to grow themselves a few ounces of high quality herb. After they buy all the lights, nutes, setup their house for it, lose a crop to spider mites, have to fight some powdery mildew a couple times etc....then see how much they expect their ounces for. Thats what I did!

Each patient that ever complained about me not giving them free meds thats exactly what I did. Each one ended up coming back to me a few months later and gladly paying my reimbursement cost of typically $200-220z. Not to mention when I make edibles from the trim I usually give them 6-12 cookies and give them to them when they pickup their meds.


New Member
Here is another option. Give the patients back their grow rights and let them see how much work it takes to grow themselves a few ounces of high quality herb. After they buy all the lights, nutes, setup their house for it, lose a crop to spider mites, have to fight some powdery mildew a couple times etc....then see how much they expect their ounces for. Thats what I did!

Each patient that ever complained about me not giving them free meds thats exactly what I did. Each one ended up coming back to me a few months later and gladly paying my reimbursement cost of typically $200-220z. Not to mention when I make edibles from the trim I usually give them 6-12 cookies and give them to them when they pickup their meds.
Originally $260..


Well-Known Member
Here is another option. Give the patients back their grow rights and let them see how much work it takes to grow themselves a few ounces of high quality herb. After they buy all the lights, nutes, setup their house for it, lose a crop to spider mites, have to fight some powdery mildew a couple times etc....then see how much they expect their ounces for. Thats what I did!

Each patient that ever complained about me not giving them free meds thats exactly what I did. Each one ended up coming back to me a few months later and gladly paying my reimbursement cost of typically $200-220z. Not to mention when I make edibles from the trim I usually give them 6-12 cookies and give them to them when they pickup their meds.

or another option...get a caregiver that gives you a free zip a month.


Well-Known Member
If you can grow 12 plants per patient and get 3 harvests a year that is roughly 40-75 ounces per patient per year....I would gladly give someone an ounce a month and sell them more at 200 an ounce...the other zips would be sold for 300 to custies....I am not buying the crying poor by caregivers man, sorry.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Originally $260..
You can do $260 if you want. I think its fair as well.

It all depends on the patients financial situation and ailment. Let's not forget that. I have a patient that pays $270 and the way I look at it he subsidizes the 1 patient I have that I charge $200. That guy also owns his own airplane and makes well over 500k year though so its a non issue.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
This desire you all have to in some way "set pricing" on a federally illegal substance is pretty laughable.

Just handle your biz and don't worry about what the other guy is doing. Try that sometime.


Active Member
If they have grow rights, and they don't like the prices, they should grow the plants themselves. If it's so cheap and easy, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

I would never even consider signing someone who demanded free meds (with the unspoken expectation that you make up the loss by risking your freedom selling illegally to dispensaries). It would be different if they were broke and suffering from a serious disease. I would not consider someone who talked about "their" plants. The caregiver is providing a service - they are risking their freedom, their safety, dealing with the anxiety that comes with having a big grow, sacrificing a room for the grow, paying all the bills, buying all the equipment, and doing all the labor. If they get raided, they lose everything they ever worked for to asset forfeiture - their home, cars, bank accounts, etc. Also, it's hard to take vacations as grows need constant monitoring. Things can go bad fast in an unattended grow.

Prices are where they are for a reason. Those who think $300/oz is a "ripoff" don't understand capitalist economics very well... easy money does not exist in a capitalist economy. If it seems like a quick buck, there's a catch, and with mj, there's a big one - a lot of people end up shot or in jail. If the opportunity for truly easy money actually appears, it disappears fast. Huge numbers of people will jump into the game to cash in and the flood of product will crash the market.

The patient does not face any of these things. Caregivers do not "owe" a patient for their grow rights, unless they are mutually engaged in criminal enterprise.

Yeah, there are people who need mmj. However, we all need food, more than anyone - even cancer patients - needs mmj. And I don't see a ruckus over farmers charging for their produce.

What about caregivers who are also patients? Ones who started with their 12 plants, and never added a single one when signing people up because it was unnecessary. Do their plants now "belong" to the signing patients? Do they "owe" them free meds?


Active Member
If you can grow 12 plants per patient and get 3 harvests a year that is roughly 40-75 ounces per patient per year....I would gladly give someone an ounce a month and sell them more at 200 an ounce...the other zips would be sold for 300 to custies....I am not buying the crying poor by caregivers man, sorry.
Well, lets put it this way... If everyone in AZ could get a card from their doc (~300 bucks at most) that entitled them to free meds from a caregiver... then why would anyone have a motivation to become a caregiver? If you can get free weed for an entire year, without doing jack shit, other than going to a doc once, then why would you waste your time growing at all? We would live in a state of 30000 patients, with no caregivers

Lots of caregivers are also only selling to patients, not turning around and selling 300 ounces on the street (as you seem to be suggesting)

Seems like a simple case of supply and demand to me, if you have the supply for free by all means take advantage of it, but realize that not everyone will be able to get it for free, because a free market will completely destroy the "supply" part of it, leaving tons of demand and no product.


Well, lets put it this way... If everyone in AZ could get a card from their doc (~300 bucks at most) that entitled them to free meds from a caregiver... then why would anyone have a motivation to become a caregiver? If you can get free weed for an entire year, without doing jack shit, other than going to a doc once, then why would you waste your time growing at all? We would live in a state of 30000 patients, with no caregivers

Lots of caregivers are also only selling to patients, not turning around and selling 300 ounces on the street (as you seem to be suggesting)

Seems like a simple case of supply and demand to me, if you have the supply for free by all means take advantage of it, but realize that not everyone will be able to get it for free, because a free market will completely destroy the "supply" part of it, leaving tons of demand and no product.
You got to do something to do something to get the rights.a free ounce is just the tax. and not to many people are paying 300 an once right now that have a card. plus you can grow for up to five people. to many people are doing it right now look up mmj on craigslist. People got to relize this is not a full time job anymore. its more like something to do for alil extra money. i dont know just a bunch of random thoughts from a caregiver


Active Member
You got to do something to do something to get the rights.a free ounce is just the tax. and not to many people are paying 300 an once right now that have a card. plus you can grow for up to five people. to many people are doing it right now look up mmj on craigslist. People got to relize this is not a full time job anymore. its more like something to do for alil extra money. i dont know just a bunch of random thoughts from a caregiver
I know there are people offering free caregiving services... coincidentally there is a lot of poopy weed around town too.. And while I most definitely realize growing is not a "full-time" job anymore, growing 60 plants for patients does add up to more time than most people would like to be spending in the garden.

I have also found that the patients who buy much less than an ounce, are the ones getting far more ripped off. One of my patients was previously buying eighths from clubs at 50 or 60 bucks, and wasn't really thrilled with the quality... these patients need caregivers too.


Well-Known Member
Hey, whatever ya make..good for you... I am just saying is me or most people I know would not cut that deal...And growing can be a full time job..if ya can't make it then you are just not growing enough.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Well, lets put it this way... If everyone in AZ could get a card from their doc (~300 bucks at most) that entitled them to free meds from a caregiver... then why would anyone have a motivation to become a caregiver? If you can get free weed for an entire year, without doing jack shit, other than going to a doc once, then why would you waste your time growing at all? We would live in a state of 30000 patients, with no caregivers

Lots of caregivers are also only selling to patients, not turning around and selling 300 ounces on the street (as you seem to be suggesting)

Seems like a simple case of supply and demand to me, if you have the supply for free by all means take advantage of it, but realize that not everyone will be able to get it for free, because a free market will completely destroy the "supply" part of it, leaving tons of demand and no product.
You will find that using logic and reason will not be tolerated on this forum. Please take that shit elsewhere.