Yes there is yellowing in your leaves, there is also turned down leaves, turned up leaves, and some spotting, and tip burn. The heat, rain, and the size of that massive stalk tells me multiple things.
The heat is turning up your leaves, maybe causing the tip burn along with a lack of nutes.
A ton of rain means it could, and most likely did flush your plant. So now you have a lack of nutes.
That stalk is like a sequoia, it can suck, hold, and eat a lot. Hence how you could have lack of nutes, especially if you are only periodically feeding.
Some say maybe nute burn or over watering, but I can see from the soil and your Temps outside lately that it is either dry, or at least Def not over watered.
I think too many people say nute burn before really examining. They say yellow leaves and assumed over feeding because sooo many people do it.
I posted pics once and got nute burn as well, then I told them I haven't fed it anything, so obviously either mother nature over watered, or it was lack of nutes.
It's just my opinion, I'm. A NEWB, I just have read a lot, I have no real knowledge, or a lack of I guess.