What am I doing wrong

What am I doing wrong and how can I make my baby healthy

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yea..cause no one in Australia grows outside.....one of the sunniest and best placers in the world to grow outside and we dont do it....Im guessing you have never been here or looked at a map. Ive never had my outside plants stolen or been arrested for drugs.(and i did grow in the city of Sydney).

He has no money, its obvious he has never grown before, he lives in a rural city (with lots of bush around) and surrounded by what has for decades been a huge supplier of FANTASTIC pot to the east coast. His bag seed would be pretty damn good.

Growing small amounts of plants is a slap on the wrist legal wise. I think in NSW (where Mudgee is) its 50 plants for jail time. So most wholesale growers grow 49.-

I accept your apology.

I wasn't saying no one grows outside in Australia. You put that in my mouth. I don't live there and don't want to. You could be right about the legal process in Australia but that doesn't prove me wrong that the police will take his shitty bag seed pot, he will need to go to jail for a short time, there will be a expensive legal issue he will deal with for months, oh yeah and then he will have a record the rest of his life. I am guessing since he can't afford 50 bucks for not shitty bag seeds, he can't afford a lawyer. I could care less what you or anyone else does. I was giving him advice. Obliviously you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and what you do with your nasty response.

You don't have to apologize for not proving me wrong, I don't really care about you enough.
I wasn't saying no one grows outside in Australia. You put that in my mouth. I don't live there and don't want to. You could be right about the legal process in Australia but that doesn't prove me wrong that the police will take his shitty bag seed pot, he will need to go to jail for a short time, there will be a expensive legal issue he will deal with for months, oh yeah and then he will have a record the rest of his life. I am guessing since he can't afford 50 bucks for not shitty bag seeds, he can't afford a lawyer. I could care less what you or anyone else does. I was giving him advice. Obliviously you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and what you do with your nasty response.

You don't have to apologize for not proving me wrong, I don't really care about you enough.
I dont think you read a word of what i said.
Why would he go to jail for? Its not America for fk sakes.
If he has no money then legal costs are free. (uness he is dealing or growing large amounts not worth it anyway)- tis a slap on the wrist
Growing a bit of pot on your record is no barrier to jobs. I have far worse ones on mine and have no problem. Again..its not America.
Out door growing is very common here.
The pot that is available where he is is great pot. Not Mullumbimby Madness great but damn good pot nonetheless..(thats available a little further North at Nimbin, its getting very hard to find these days)
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yea..cause no one in Australia grows outside.....one of the sunniest and best placers in the world to grow outside and we dont do it....Im guessing you have never been here or looked at a map. Ive never had my outside plants stolen or been arrested for drugs.(and i did grow in the city of Sydney).

He has no money, its obvious he has never grown before, he lives in a rural city (with lots of bush around) and surrounded by what has for decades been a huge supplier of FANTASTIC pot to the east coast. His bag seed would be pretty damn good. Seriously good. Bag seed is normally stable. Why not grow it? learn to grow it without wasting money on expensive seeds. He can get into that when he knows what he is doing.

Growing small amounts of plants is a slap on the wrist legal wise. I think in NSW (where Mudgee is) its 50 plants for jail time. So most wholesale growers grow 49.-

I accept your apology.
I dont think you read a word of what i said.
Why would he go to jail for? Its not America for fk sakes.
Out door growing is very common here.
The pot that is available where he is is great pot. Not Mullumbimby Madness great but damn good pot nonetheless..(thats available a little further North at Nimbin, its getting very hard to find these days)

If cops were called out to investigate he would be taken to jail and be processed in the system and then could post bail. No, he won't rot away forever but I doubt anyone wants to go through that for growing a plant. Maybe I am wrong about that but Australia is not that different from parts of the U.S. That haven't legalized cannabis.

I don't want to argue with you or go tit for tat. I was giving our friend advice to split the cost of some good seeds with a trusted loved one or save up his money to grow better pot genetics indoors with his crappy lights. That would reduce the risk factor, allow him to control his environment, get some decent buds, and save money for a small hps lamp to grow some better pot later on.
If cops were called out to investigate he would be taken to jail and be processed in the system and then could post bail. No, he won't rot away forever but I doubt anyone wants to go through that for growing a plant. Maybe I am wrong about that but Australia is not that different from parts of the U.S. That haven't legalized cannabis.

I don't want to argue with you or go tit for tat. I was giving our friend advice to split the cost of some good seeds with a trusted loved one or save up his money to grow better pot genetics indoors with his crappy lights. That would reduce the risk factor, allow him to control his environment, get some decent buds, and save money for a small hps lamp to grow some better pot later on.
Bail? for a couple of plants..lol..no.
For a couple of plants the cops would take them away and give him a caution. Not even worth court unless he was a dick to them.

If he was a dick then they would take him to the station and charge him with some small charges.(not put in a jail cell) Possession and cultivation of a small amount. He would then be released straight away.(no bond no nothing) then he would wait a month or 3 for a court date that will come in the mail. He would turn up and say he was sorry and he would be good. He would be released with a 3 month good behavior bond and a very small fine. If its his first offence the conviction may not be recorded.
Its seriously not a big legal deal here and some states have decriminalized it.

A friend of mine got done last year for 10 plants. Got her for cultivation, and dealing. (she has been doing both for 20 years) No jail. 6 months good behavior bond and $800 fine. Is she hadnt of admitted to dealing it would of been less.
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Bail? for a couple of plants..lol..no.
For a couple of plants the cops would take them away and give him a caution. Not even worth court unless he was a dick to them.

If he was a dick then they would take him to the station and charge him with some small charges.(not put in a jail cell) Possession and cultivation of a small amount. He would then be released straight away.(no bond no nothing) then he would wait a month or 3 for a court date that will come in the mail. He would turn up and say he was sorry and he would be good. He would be released with a 3 month good behavior bond and a very small fine. If its his first offence it would not be on his record,
Its seriously not a big legal deal here and some states have decriminalized it.

A friend of mine got done last year for 10 plants. Got her for cultivation, and dealing. (she has been doing both for 20 years) No jail. 6 months good behavior bond and $800 fine. Is she hadnt of admitted to dealing it would of been less.

I am glad to hear these are changing around the world with this plant. That is good to know. I wish it was like that where I live.
It's winter and it's cold and there is no sun less then 12 hours daylight
Bag seed will be fine. Bag seed is normally very stable and easy strains to grow.
You will need decent soil. Dont over water (most common noob mistake) Give it a go under the crap lights you have to try to learn chit.

Come Spring make sure you have a few seeds (again, bag is fine) and plant em outside. Outside will probably be allot easier until you can afford a better light system. Large Pots or in ground with a good quality potting mix, lots of sun. You will be gold.
I live in the fancy new estate of this crappy little town and the people next door are the type to call the cops and the other people in this town come to my area to steal shit like weed plants so outside isn't an option even if it wasn't to cold aye
Last time I checked growing cannabis in Australia was illegal. Cannabis plants grown outdoors ( even crappy ones) are easily spotted if not down right, which is not easy. That would lead to the police coming to arrest you worse case best case you crappy cannabis is stolen or destroyed.
I get pretty good weed so my seeds are no crappy strains
I wasn't saying no one grows outside in Australia. You put that in my mouth. I don't live there and don't want to. You could be right about the legal process in Australia but that doesn't prove me wrong that the police will take his shitty bag seed pot, he will need to go to jail for a short time, there will be a expensive legal issue he will deal with for months, oh yeah and then he will have a record the rest of his life. I am guessing since he can't afford 50 bucks for not shitty bag seeds, he can't afford a lawyer. I could care less what you or anyone else does. I was giving him advice. Obliviously you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and what you do with your nasty response.

You don't have to apologize for not proving me wrong, I don't really care about you enough.
I did a couple mods and I actually moved my shit and made a couple more lights available and just got it ready for when I move house tbh but it's got more light now so hopefully it will grow quickly and healthy when I move I'll gave better water too tank water is a lot better then the shit here and I'll start with the seaweed stuff soon I think but only 1/4 strength to start and I'll also put some more light sockets in soonishimage.jpg
I'll Get some fresh soil when I can if people can recommend something I can find at bunnings or big w or something in Australia and pics would be cool to so I know what I'm looking for so I'll be able to start 2 more seeds in good soil and maybe perlite is good too idk maybe if ya recommend some soul you can tell me if I should use perlite with it or not remember not everything is available here we don't even have a movie theatre or a red rooster or hungry jacks we don't even have a mall
Coco bricks will do with perlite if they have it mix40/60. For your mix even100% perlite works I stay away from soil and potting mix. As I use good nutes,nutes all you need should be at bunnings just bloom and veg Dutch masta is good, dont worry about supplements but pk13/14 will be worth it.
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You should really think about growing with quality seed genetics instead of bag seed in the future. That could be part of the problem.

What makes you think growing bagseed will give him shit quality? Do you know where his bagseed came from? Bagseed can produce some very nice bud. Most people dont want to spend hundreds of dollars on big name seeds to figure out growing