What am I doing wrong???!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have tried cooking a few times and I am not getting the results I want. Its very very weak, barely get a buzz, what am I doing wrong??

1st attempt was to make brownies first. I made cannabutter with about 1/4 of sour deiesel. I dried the buds, grinded them up, and simmered in 1.5 sticks of good quality butter and a cup of water. I simmered for 3 hours, strained and then solidified the butter and removed the butter from the water. I then used all of it to make the brownies. Now I eat one and a couple hours later feel nothing. If I eat two or three I get a slight buzz as if I took a small hit of a pipe. I also baked the brownies at 325, is this too high??

2nd Attempt, carmel candies, again I made cannabutter but this time I took 1/2 oz of OG Kush and made kief with a screen. I then used that left over bud for the cannabutter and cooked it this time in the crock pot for 6 hours. then I mixed the ingredients and pured ALL the kief into the mixture. This way I KNEW it was going to have the thc in it. Ok so the carmel gets to 240 degrees and you dump it out and cool it. This made about 10 servings out of 1/2 oz of top grade kush. I eat one, wait two hours and get a very slight body buzz, WTF?? even eating two barely gives more of an effect. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG HERE?



Well-Known Member
Ive had potency problems in the past I switched my cooking methods numerous times. Using a crock pot, then a stove top pot . I would simmer for a day, then switched to 6 hours but no results. I now have it down to a Tee . Please look up my thread as it will show you everything you need to do and the cook time is reduced dramatically. I only cook for 1 1/2 hours max and stir EVERY 10 minutes (set a timer on my phone to go off every 10 minutes.) but like I said its all in the guide. My advice is try my recipe and post your results


Active Member
Alright so im the shit at making the potent ass brownies. Very simple recipe to learn. I usually do an ounce or more per batch of butter i make. I know thts alot but we want as much THC absorbed into the butter. I get one big cooking pot, fill it halway with water and bring to boil.. 1 big glass bowl that will fit ON TOP OF THE cooking pot, its gotta just barely touch the water when on top. So bring to a boil and i use 1 1/2 pound of Emperial Margerine. Now boil the butter untill its ll liquid, some clumps of butter ok. Then i ADD roughly 1 ounce to 1 1/2 ounces with the butter. Mix it up then let it sit. DO NOT COVER. Every 5-10 minutes stir it a lil, mixing shake from the bottom to the top and vic-versa. I only boil the butter/shake for 45 min! DONT OVER COOK THE BUTTER. Then I grab a striner(I use womens panty hoes) Good trainage nd doesnt seep Shake through with butter. STRAIN the butter/shake through the strainer. SEPERATE!. Keep on butter, and s little shake as possible. Throw the liquid into a tup-ware and put into the fridge untill it hardens.. Give it a couple hours and pull it out. You will see the top layer is hard and light green, underneath there is dark oily looking water <---THROW THIS AWY. its un-needed. an VOILA! Butter. Hope this helps :D
I make small batches with oil. 6 grams ground bud to 2 TBSP coconut oil. Decarb weed. Do not go up to 300! too hot. I did this and make my house into a hot box. So decarb at 225 or 250 for 15 - 20 min. Then into a bowl set into water in a slow cooker. Cook for 6 hr. strain and go to town.