what am I doing wrong??


Active Member
I need some help guys. I made a cheap-o aerocloner and the cuttings just wilt and die.
I have one bubble curtain in a 2.5 gallon clear plastic container (which was spray painted black) 2.5 liters of water (ph balanced and with a touch of stim root, and a touch of fertilizer) . I took cuttings,dipped them in stim root, put a smallpiece of tube around the stem and place it in its new home. check on it later to see all failing:cry:. what am I doing wrong???


Well-Known Member
1.) How long have they been in there?
2.) How many layers of black spraypaint did you put on there? Are you 200% sure it is ABSOLUTELY 100% lightproof?
3.) Are the jets spraying directly at the bottom of the stems?
4.) Do you trim the leaves of your cuttings?
5.) Do you use Thrive Alive w/ B-1 (NOT SUPERTHRIVE)?


Active Member
1) they where there for 24 hrs
2) 3 coats in some places. 190% sure of light proofedness
3) I have 1 14" bubble curtain cut to fit on the diagonal and aqua glued down (lesson from 1st attempt)
4) I trimmed the tips of the bigger leaves, (but I leave 2 leaves and the growing top)
5) I haven't heard of Thrive Alive or Superthrive. Are they fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
never use nutes in your cloning solution unless its a rooting hormone(which is really not even needed)


Well-Known Member
make a new batch of water for your clone tub.
ph 5.8
temp 67-69 deg f.
only water and maybe 150ml of clonex solution

stinkbuds recipe for cloning success

* but i also use a 1 min on 5 min off cycle timer


Well-Known Member
what may have happened is you got an air pocket in your stems, this happens all the time, give the stems a fresh angled cut, they arent able to drink with air pockets


Active Member
thanks for all the hints guys.
I'll change my water (and omit the fert). I also went out and found a rooting powder, hoping that it will help.

another question though...

...the on/off schedule for the bubbles...I just left it on 24hrs...and mine didn't work sooo. I'll try it with the on for 1min off for 5min

I'll let you know how it turns out. thanks again:peace:


Well-Known Member
1min on 5off is ideal but keeping it on 24/7 will work

you just happen to have a timer that can do 1on 5off? what do you got im looking for a cheap one


Active Member
cool! all the timers I have that can do minutes are out of batteries, stupid expensive timers. Glad to hear that I don't need one. I'm calling in sick today, to stay home and play with my cheap-o-aerocloner. chopping some off of Durban poison and Sweet Blue/Super Silver Haze.

I hope I fixed everything but I might have added too much rooting hormone to the water....we will see tomorrow i guess.

Thanks again for the info, couldn't have done it without you!


Well-Known Member
that sucks.

try using rapid rooters. with rrs and hydroton you can use them in hydro systems np and its much easier to clone. take the cutting, recut under water, dip into cloning powder, then insert into a moist rapid rooter. put the clones on a tray on top of a heating pad(i used to say who cares about the heating pad but it keeps the medium nice and warm which can help root growth a lot. my first try with rrs took 2 weeks, with heating pad it took 8 days) make sure the rapid rooter dont dry out(it shouldnt under cfls or floros, you may have to water it like once a week) and your set. I have 100% success with this method. once you get roots popping out you can put them into net pots with hydroton.