What am i doing wrong pics

blazed for dayz

Active Member
my 5 week old plants bottom leaves are all dying.im using a ebb & flow with 6"mesh pots under a 400w mh.im at 1/2 strength gh flora nutes (bloom,micro,gro)


New Member
They look pretty much normal to me. The bottom leaves die when it's hungry as they use the stored enrgy in the bottom leaves to fuel the new growth for the top leaves. I'd up the nutes just a bit the next res change. Go a little less than 3/4 speed and see how they do. Do you have a PH and PPM meter? You also need to cover those net pot or algae will get started. You can use covers you can buy from sunleaves or make them out of styro plates. Cut a circle out of the plate bigger than the net pot, put a 1" hole the the middle, cut from the outside edge to the center hole and slip it over the hydrotron.

What strain is that or is it bagseed? What's your set-up like?

I use the Flora series nutes also.


Well-Known Member
They don't look that bad ,what ec/tds levels??
What type of hydroponic system are you using?
What strain are they?
How often are you irrigating them?

They do look fine but in need of nutes. Once you see roots coming out the bottom of all the pots, you can crank the PPM up to 600 or so.

blazed for dayz

Active Member
im using an ebb/flow with 6"mesh bottom pots thay are solid on the side and like net pots on the bottom the roots just started coming out the bottom im gonna up to 3/4.my brother broke mt tds pen 3 days ago when i had to leave town for the day and had him looking after it.

the strain is unknown im flooding 6 times a day for 15 mins the ph is kept between 6.0-6.5