what am I doing wrong? first timer, HELP!


Active Member
I posted another thread but other people said someone else should've put their post in the newbie section so that's what i'm doing now. I figured i'd try to grow, I only have 4 plants, about 5 days ago the leaves started curling under. I've read alot of things from over watering to too many nutrients. I used miracle grow soil (after being on here i see it has a bad rep) which is supposed to have enough nutrients for 9 months. That's why I am questioning whether my plants are getting too much. I didn't want to flush the soil though, in case it was over watering. The leaves aren't brittle yet. just the very end tip of the leaf is turning brown. I put these in this soil and the big pots about 5-6 weeks ago and had no stress from the transplant, I did put the transplant stuff on them to prevent root shock. I don't keep these under lights, I am doing this all natural with plenty of sunlight. Can anyone help. I took the best pics I could.:confused:



Active Member
hi i do not know to much about growing in soil.but i had the same problem with my plants .iwas not over watering i was a little to strong on feeding them.


Well-Known Member
oh you got nute burn thanks fo da details bra. you need to flush and go half strength on nutes next feeding. Did you go full strength?
How often were u feedin em? da first does look like a little overwatered too but da othas are nute burned. when do you feed em in mid day?
feed in early mornings.

Take it easy oh n wat strain is dat bra?


Active Member
I haven't fed them anything, everything was already in the soil, If i flush the soil, how much should I flush it? I read somewhere a gallon of water per gallon of soil, does this sound right? I don't want to drown them either! No idea what strain, just seeds out of a bag that someone got.


Well-Known Member
oh ite hope its sum flame.
I do 3 gal per gal of soil sum do 5. If you got drainage holes all excess water will run out. You got perlite in there they wont drown neway.
You aint feed em how dey get nute burn mg nutes are weak as hell i use dat soil.
It's overwater then I said nute burn cause when da tips turn brown dats most likely nute burn.


Well-Known Member
man!... listen you are over watering and flushing should only be used in case of an emergency. Since you don't have one stop! Unless you wanna kill the plant. let it dry out the next few days and when you see the leaves pick up wait one more day. then water, but just enought where you only see some water through the drainage. then you'll be fine. PS Flushed MG soil only creates more nute burn... so don't flush!!! Reason being it has time released nutes that are activated by water.


Well-Known Member
"you need to flush and go half strength"

Man what your talkin about? Don't listen to this Knucklehead.


Well-Known Member
"you need to flush and go half strength"

Man what your talkin about? Don't listen to this Knucklehead.
I didnt know he had MG slow release dumb ass in da first place when i posted dat. I didnt even mean right after da flush bra his first post made me think he had a no nute soil n was feedin on his own. Dats y i said half strength da next time he feeds. he finally gave mo detail when i asked questions cause da first decrip wasn't enough bra.

Read my whole post I said did you go full strength which means i though he had his own nutes bra.
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Well-Known Member
PS Flushed MG soil only creates more nute burn... so don't flush!!! Reason being it has time released nutes that are activated by water.
thats true, but i heard of you flush it down really good a few times it should be fine.

i have mg soil and i have burnt my plant many times using their soil. i recomend the organic brand has less nutrients. i notice sometimes when i flush, the burning continues, but when i go desperate and nearly drown the bitch it stops burning. of coarse my plant is 5 months old so it won't drown as easy as a younger plant would.
make sure you drain the pot, the longer you flush, the more nutrients and salts are flushed...


Well-Known Member
Just water the plant when it needs it but don't overwater. thus that creates a balanced nute release in the soil. which is good, means you aint gotta fuck around with nutes.
Now when you go drastic and flush the whole fookin soil you will release the nutes at once (not good) So just be easy and water correctly. MG soil works just fine... Don't believe the hype.


Well-Known Member
ok my plant is has been burning slowly since i repoted in organic mg..
as you can see i lost most of my fan leaves due to the nute burn.
the tips on the inner leaves are turning brown and curling...
so your saying i should not flush? i have to act quicky because i dont want the top leaves burned because thats all i have left. i have been only watering every other day, or when the soil is really dry

35 days flowering

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Well-Known Member
Nice. jack! How many times did you flush da soil? even with Organic read da fookin label says it all on it. "DONT BELIEVE DA HYPE!!!"


Well-Known Member
Pot looks too small. What da fook happened to all the lower leafs, did you clip? Why would you let it get that bad before you intervened?(which still looks like you heven't) Cmon man you could have saved her.