What all do I need to dry my pot??

My outdoor harvest is coming closer to the end and I'm worried I won't have a room with alOt of ventilation. What should I do??

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I dry mine in a cu0board with no ventilation other than me opening the doors to poke them once every day or so. Give it a whirl and see what happens :D If all else fails, bar everyone from your house for a week or so and hang em all over the house :)


Well-Known Member
A closed closet with the buds hanging on coathangers works fine. Do open the door every day to let fresh air in, but do nor run a fan on them. I made the mistake last year of leaving the closet door ajar and the overhead fan running. Dried them too fast, within 2 days they were crispy and it fucked up my cure


use a clear tupperware type container with lid that seals well. place buds in single layer, seal tightly and place in the sun. after condensation has formed (hour or so depending on how sunny it is) remove lid & let sun dry the moisture. replace lid and do it all again until it's as dry as you like it.


Scientia Cannabis
use a clear tupperware type container with lid that seals well. place buds in single layer, seal tightly and place in the sun. after condensation has formed (hour or so depending on how sunny it is) remove lid & let sun dry the moisture. replace lid and do it all again until it's as dry as you like it.
That is not a proper way of drying.
When you place freshly harvest bud in a sealed container and let condensation form and humidity rise (to very high levels I'd assume) you create the perfect environment for mold.

On top of that, light breaks down THC, never dry your weed or place you weed under lights and especially not under the sun.
The THC will break down and your bud will lose potency.


Active Member
I hang it from strings on the top of a box in a dark place for a few days until it is crumbly. I put a piece of paper on the bottom so I can catch the crumbs that fall and paper on top to shield it from dust. After that they go in a paper bag for a couple days sitting on another piece of paper. Then to the jars where I check it every other day or so. The moisture still in the stems will redistribute to the dry buds. It should be crunchy and brittle the stem should snap, but shouldn't be completely dried out and really crumbly. If they seem too moist in the Jar take back out and dry it on a sheet of paper again for a day or two. You can also just leave the lid off but the bud at the bottom doesn't air out that way. Better to over dry then under you don't want mold.


Active Member
use a clear tupperware type container with lid that seals well. place buds in single layer, seal tightly and place in the sun. after condensation has formed (hour or so depending on how sunny it is) remove lid & let sun dry the moisture. replace lid and do it all again until it's as dry as you like it.​
I think peopel like this come on here to fuck with people and tell them the complete oposite of what is right. Be careful people look at his post count.
You need a dark space with air circulation
yes do this till the stems snap, also i keep all the buds on the stem till this happens. then cut the buds off the stem and put them in glass mason jars close the lid for 12-24 hours and open them for 15-30min, repeat as nessesary. the longer the cure the better also. so after you get the moistness out of the buds, let them sit in the jars for a couple of months. if they sit for a year you can really get the true high.

-also dry them on hangers in that darkroom after trimming. ....and you can let it go dark for 24-48 hours before harvesting.

-it makes the resin heads better somehow.