this gin is made with about 14 different herbs and spices and has a 47% alcohol content. i know that dosent seem like much, but if i leave it sitting longer will it bring out the potency or did i just waste 42 grams of dank bubba kush trim that i could have made something else with. oh well, first time grow so you learn as you go.
normal alcohol sold in off licences holds alot of water and other things, that will take time to evaporate and will also be alot more expensive than medical alcohol
Well, For human consuption without evaporating it (Having a shot of THC enriched booze) I'd suggest something high in alcohol, Everclear for sure is what I'd use. But if you want to extract it to make hash oil, Then I'd just go with good ol' butane
The amount of alcohol per dose is so insignificant; there is more alcohol in some mouthwashes. The amount of alcohol in the average dose of tincture is equal to the amount of alcohol in a ripe banana. This dosage has been tested on people, who are alcohol sensitive with NO adverse reactions.