What Age Did You Start?

Brick Top

New Member
I started getting high in 1968, when I was 13-years old. When I type that it looks like a looooong time ago, but it feels like it was only yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I first smoked in the early summer of 2001...

I've always needed to try drugs by myself the first time I do them, and that started with my first cannabis smoking experience.

I had bought a half ounce from a guy I went to school with, ordered online one of those little metal pipes about 3 inches long and went out back in to the woods to one of my treehouses.

Climbed up, looked around, started packing the bowl and took a toke... didn't get high until about 3 days later when I tried it for the 4th or 5th time.


Well-Known Member
16? i think, smoked at a dealers place and stayed the night. I was paranoid as fuck the rest of the night and was certain that the cops were coming. fucking hated it, then didnt smoke again for probably another year. now i do it maybe 3-5 times a month

Matt Rize

12. My friends older brother was smoking a blunt and "made" us smoke too. It was shwaz. I knew right away this would be a part of my life. I was already a deadhead and bob marley fan, it was only natural.

I started growing and making hash 3 years later. Now my weed looks like this...

and the ice water extract looks like this:


Well-Known Member
lets turn back the clock when I was fourteen, pressured me to smoke if you know what I mean.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i was 14 , smoked some mexican sativa , late 80s there wasnt alota variety yet

first time i ever got really high was about 3 months after that when my buddy stole soem of his dads thai weed...that was about as high as ive i ever remeber bieng.


Well-Known Member
When I was 9, my neighbors blew smoke in my face through a screen window, so when I was 12 and found out my friends brother had a stash, I was all for her jacking some for me. That was the first time I actually smoked, but I knew even that first time that this would be a life long passion.


Well-Known Member
12. My friends older brother was smoking a blunt and "made" us smoke too. It was shwaz. I knew right away this would be a part of my life. I was already a deadhead and bob marley fan, it was only natural.

I started growing and making hash 3 years later. Now my weed looks like this...

and the ice water extract looks like this:
That Bud looks amazing


I would love to try your hash

PS: i think i told you to talk to Sr. Verde about hash and i can see you are both pros..........