What a world we live in


Well-Known Member
Caught 2 crackheads trying to steal my cat off my classic car. Fucker tried lifting up my plants in a pot but he wasnt strong enough...pussy. mind you this was at 11am. Fucked up. Plants are gone now. In a safe location. Alarms on the car and motion activated alarms around property. What has this world come to
Caught 2 crackheads trying to steal my cat off my classic car. Fucker tried lifting up my plants in a pot but he wasnt strong enough...pussy. mind you this was at 11am. Fucked up. Plants are gone now. In a safe location. Alarms on the car and motion activated alarms around property. What has this world come to
Why does your classic car have a cat???? Pretty sure they were just trying to free up a few ponies.
Caught 2 crackheads trying to steal my cat off my classic car. Fucker tried lifting up my plants in a pot but he wasnt strong enough...pussy. mind you this was at 11am. Fucked up. Plants are gone now. In a safe location. Alarms on the car and motion activated alarms around property. What has this world come to
Guys around here have to weld there emissions shit at the joints to prevent theft. Super annoying when I need to replace scr’s and filters. Awhile back, 2 city buses had all the after treatment stuff ripped off at a replacement value of 50k.
Guys around here have to weld there emissions shit at the joints to prevent theft. Super annoying when I need to replace scr’s and filters. Awhile back, 2 city buses had all the after treatment stuff ripped off at a replacement value of 50k.
Apparently it's a big issue here right now. Fucking junkies. I hope they all od
Apparently it's a big issue here right now. Fucking junkies. I hope they all od
Seems once people realized precious metals are used as catalysts, it really took off. Now there’s tons of social media platforms with people showing how to cut and process these cats and even how to identify the more desirable ones.
Seems once people realized precious metals are used as catalysts, it really took off. Now there’s tons of social media platforms with people showing how to cut and process these cats and even how to identify the more desirable ones.
Brutal. Boggles my mind. So much for my outdoor. At least the potted ones are safe. I don't think they seen the ones in the garden. They weren't there for the weed but he tried taking the whole 20gal pot but couldn't lift it. They couldn't get underneath the olds well enough to cut the pipe. I flattened the tires so they can't get a jack underneath and left a nice note for them in the window of the car. Fucker came back today to finish the job read my note and took off quick. It said 'guess you missed my cameras but they didn't miss you! Cops have your photos. Don't come back'
It was pretty interesting showing the cops my plants and brining them into my grow area where my cams are. Lol. He was pretty cool. I'm like.heres my med papers officer I have all my ducks in a row. He just laughed and said 'its all good' and didn't even look at them. Hahaha
He goes. So when you harvesting?? I said couple weeks left still, why you wana come by? Lol he laughed
Ah it's an olds cutlass supreme. Had plans on restoring it but I don't think I'll ever get around to actually doing it so she needs to go now :(
What year? Some of them were nice... You might be able to get a decent dollar for it right now. Sorry about the CH's...Lotta that shit going down.
Lol it used to just be the foreigns worth the $$ now it’s the domestics cuz the palladium prices.. hey it’s not the crackheads fault all these cars are parked everywhere maybe they assumes u wanted a straight pipe mod
Cool car.
Ya. I really wish I had the time and money to fix it up but I just don't. House Renos are priority have to put in a new furnace and run all new vents (currently running a boiler) Lotsa work to do. Cars been sitting there for years, and now it's a liability. Sad. But it is what it is I suppose.