What a night...


Active Member
Well, Last night I went out to wal-mart to pick up some supplies for my new grow room. On my way there, I had 1.8 and a blunt. Was fine, Made it there perfectly. On my way back, I had all these things...
Lights - Cheap 2 hanger flourecents
1.8 of weed
2 high & drunk kids in my back seat.

This cop pulls us over for speeding, Because I was in a rush to get home. He searches us, Get's the weed, Didn't find out what the lights were for, ETC. But...
This was the best cop i've ever met. He gave us the weed back, And just let us go. I swear, I got lucky this night. ( Post some stories if you want :)

:leaf: T O K E :leaf:


New Member
haha sweet! maybe he did know what the lights were for just didn't feel like being a dick. either way :bigjoint:

edit: actually just noticed they were floros probably wouldn't know then


Well-Known Member
yo thats so ill!! r u in canada or something cuz i cant see any cop in the US doing that


Active Member
Nope, Not in canada. Right in the U.S.A. , When this cop came towards my car, He had his hand on his gun, I was like... WHAT THE FUCK lol.


Well-Known Member
i think the hand on the gun walking up to the car is standard procedure. you got very lucky dude. no cop in my area would give you the weed back. i had a cop take the weed once and let me go without a citation or locking me up but never seen one give anybody their weed back.


New Member
shit man, i wish the cop that pulled me over the other night gave me my weed back.
i didn't get my weed back, and i had to pay to get my car back.

you are very very lucky paco!