What A Nice Day, So Far.


Active Member
I hope you all have a great Memorial Day.

It is starting out to be such a great day here.

I actually woke up this morning with no pain, no cramps. That in itself is reason to be thankful.
I live in Southern Cali. by the coast....and it's clear. The rest of the week promises to be the usual "June Gloom", morning fog that hangs around half or most of the day. Not today tho. It's 8am and the temp is almost 65 already, very slight breeze, and clear as a bell. I walked around my yard and said hello to my 2 outdoor ladies....they are growing by leaps and bounds. I swear, they must be growing an inch a day it seems.

A big thank you to any/all service men and women...and we here remember the sacrifices of so many who are no longer with us today. I have the opportunity to sit here in freedom because of their willingness to protect this land.

We're having bbq chicken tonight. Just a nice, lazy day...tokin up whenever I feel like it and casually getting ready for a yard sale on Friday.

Life is good. I wish all of you good times, good bud, good eats and good health. :peace:


Well-Known Member
it rained all morning by me but the temp is slowly kreeping up as well as the humidity. sun should come out and give us a nice day tho. special thanks for all those who are brave enough to fight for this country! just chilling for the day, little bbq, alot of pot and some fireworks later on to celebrate