What a FIMed finished lady looks like - pics


Well-Known Member
here she is. I FIMed during vegging and 4 nice even colas sprouted. Day 44 of flowering.

the lady

1 Cola

2 Colas together

top view


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to guess about how much longer i got till finish? Today is day 45 of flowering. That really high cola is getting huge, it is almost bending over now because of the top weight. gonna have to stake it to keep it up. But anyone suggest how much longer? I am going to get a magnifying glass to see the trichomes like right now lol. But expierenced suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
i just bought some grandmas molasses yesterday and going to start adding that in my next waterings. lol i cant imagine how big those colas will get....


Well-Known Member
ya i am thinking about 3-4 weeks as well, when should i start flushing with just water? 2 weeks till harvest? I got my 30x microscope today so once lights on i will be checking it out.


Well-Known Member
big buds and the hairs are still all white, you've been doing a great job! I'm sure you'll see the difference after some molasses!


Well-Known Member
oh for sure, i will be watering tonight with molasses for the first time, how much should i use?


Well-Known Member
also in that pic you can see the ends of some leaves starting to getting some small brown spots, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
could just be the plant is using its energy to make the buds like normal?idk or nute burn orsomething,same is happenign with mine started as yellow spots on eht lower leaves thougha nd now the ends of the leaves look the same