Wexpert's closet grow


Active Member
This will be my first grow since high school. We successfully started 4 small plants back then but they were uprooted due to difficulties....

Now it's years later and I got a bag of mids with some seed in it. Decided to try things out and see how they go. I'm using a small 70w hps light and 2 2ft fluros for supplemental. I only started taking pictures 4 days in, so the first shots are of the first set of leaves.

The bag of mids was pretty high grade, so I am expecting some good bud out of these plants. I started with 4, but one germinated and never grew its root tip any more. So I am left with three - hopefully one of them will be a female. If all goes as planned then I will set up a larger scale.... this is a test grow.

Attached pictures are on the 3rd day after germination. The burnt looking place on one of them is NOT a burn - it is the dried out seed casing that is stuck to the cotyledon. I actually had to take a razor blade and cut the seed casing in the middle between the cotyledons because it was holding them closed. She looks fine though... just a little lanky.



Active Member
well on to day 5. everything is looking really good. Second set of leaves is starting to develop as is obvious in these pics. The temps were getting kind of high (80-83) but today it is cold outside and the average temp of the grow room is somewhere around 77. I've included some general pics of the set up. I'm in an area where I can't drill holes to hang the HPS light so it is suspended by rope - actually works out better because I can adjust height when needed. The fluros really aren't doing much at the moment - they can't be close enough because the HPS is close at the moment. You can see the general set up of the lights but you can't see the box that covers everything as I've removed it in the picture.



Active Member
pictures are in order by plant number now.

oh and the HPS does something crazy to my camera so it has lines through the pictures.

I ordered some Jack's Classic the other day so I'll start introducing that in a couple weeks once the plants use up the in-soil ferts.



Well-Known Member
Looks like im the only one following your little grow
Looks good though im in the middle of a mirco grow and its going good =D


Active Member
It's been one week since the sprouts burst through the surface and began their struggle to make it in this world. Today's growth doesn't seem as good as yesterday. Number one (the one with seed casing still attached to its cotyledon) has surpassed my expectations and grown faster than the other two. Number three is a straggler.... the cups are being rotated once a day so the amount of light shouldn't be an issue. Temps good - 80 degrees right now. Fertilizers came to the wrong address - will be shipped here soon... Won't need them until I transplant in another week though. On to the pics....



Active Member
continuing daily updates. Fertilizers should be here in a couple days. Will probably transplant to big pots in a few days rather than a week. New growth can be seen in the center... can't wait for that third set of leaves! Some side angles of the plants to show the stalk growth... much thicker.



Active Member
so i was looking at some other people's journals and it seems that they have a LOT of growth by one week. Are my plants average? is it strain related?

Oh and I went ahead and transplanted. Took a look through the cup and realized the roots were all the way down at the bottom. In order to avoid root-bind I put them in their new homes. Hope the transition goes okay.... we'll see tomorrow how they look


Active Member
my babies are growing up so fast.

i was really expecting some halt in growth today since i transplanted yesterday. However, those bitches have gone ahead and grew their 2nd and third leaves on the 2nd node and new leaves are forming for the 3rd. The stalk of number 3 (the runt) has gotten a lot thicker than its brethren, surprising. They are in their final homes now - 8" pots. Pots may sound small but the plants won't be getting more than 12-16" high.

UPDATE: ferts came today! Jack's Classic All Purpose (20-20-20) and Blossom Booster (10-30-20). Used about 1/4 or maybe less than the recommended dose of all purpose and THOROUGHLY watered. They should be good for at least 3-4 days now. Hope to see some improvements (not that things are bad now!)



Active Member
Not only have the plants NOT been stunted from the transplantation, they seem to be thriving in their new homes. The ferts seem to have helped a lot, even at that extremely low dosage. From the time I watered yesterday to today the leaf sets have doubled in size on the biggest plant. Even the runt appears to be catching up somewhat.

Most likely won't water again until Monday. Don't want to drown the ladies!

Check out the pics!



Active Member
well.... mediocre news. The second set of leaves started to curl a bit at the edges. No sign of color changing so I think it's probably just heat stress. Moved the light farther away from the plants and got a fan blowing in there. Also gave them some distilled water to flush out some of the nutes if that was the problem. (I think it was probably heat stress though.)



Active Member
upon reading some stuff about HPS, I decided to just build a complete CFL cabinet for the veg stage. When it comes time to flower I'll switch back to the HPS I was using. Anyways. I have 6 cfl's in series built into a frame suspended by chain so that height may be adjusted. the thing on the top of the light row is an emergency off switch since the whole line is wired directly into an electrical plug. I plan to put up panda film tomorrow when i can find who the fuck sells it....

