Western WA Newbie Backyard grow


Well-Known Member
I try not to post more than once a week but I am getting excited :)

Bag seed plant:


Kandy Kush

Inside the garden



Well-Known Member
The garden with my ghetto ventilation in view. Oscillating fan on top, box fan on bottom.


Bagseed hairs starting to turn :)


Harlequin top


Kandy Kush



Well-Known Member
Here's my weekly update of my deck grow.

First with my purple bag seed plant. It's the only one small enough for me to be comfortable to move into the small spot of sun that opened up today. How much longer do you think on this one, two weeks?

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Harlequin, upper half of plant, the main cola and a closer shot of a branch top.

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One of the Kandy Kush plants

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Another Kandy Kush
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Well-Known Member
Branches are fattening up and had no support at all so I tied them to the roof. Hopefully the string will do the trick. They don't get wet so it just needs to support the flowers as they get heavier. I feel like a puppeteer or something! :)

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Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
every year around this time we get HELLA Spider Webs.

I like to think it's their way of telling us it's getting close to Holloween.

My neighbors putting out Scarecrows and Fake Webs with huge fake Spiders.. I'm like, How Generic.. Mine are Real!
Serves you right for taking care of your Yard more often than I


Well-Known Member
Today was a sad day as I found this evil crap on the runt that was banished to a true outdoor existence in the Washington cold and rain. I have taken the advice of everyone and torched the plant. I am just glad I had this one well separated from the rest of the grow.

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Well-Known Member
And so today isn't just a bummer post:

Bagseed purps up close


Kandy Kush, this cola is close to a foot long




The deck doing what it's doing



Well-Known Member
The mold on the purps, extended stretch of 80% + humidity and more fungus showing up in the woods and blackberry patches surrounding my yard combined with our inability to inspect our plants as much as needed (too many hours for myself and my wife at our respective jobs) made me come to the decision to pull early. Everything is now hanging and smells pretty good, albeit with a much lower potency that if I had the nerve to keep it going for a few more weeks. Better to have a decent amount of somewhat immature buds than a deck full of mold.

Next year it's going to either be the legal limit of auto plants or light deprivation as I think one REALLY needs to finish by the end of September around these parts.


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
That blows Goats bro...

A couple of Fam members had to Pull early too.. Weight loss is a Huge downer, but it's still smokable!!

On top of that depression this bitch ass rain gave me and my own a Horibble Fuckin Cold! Lost power yesterday and today.. It's just been really shitty... Hope It's good Smoke Bro!


Well-Known Member
I put some popcorn buds in our food dehydrator so I could get an idea of quality and despite the green, green taste the stuff was pretty stony. No worries or regrets here, it's all a part of the learning process :)


Well-Known Member
Below are the buds I ended up with. Top left is quick-dried popcorn. I am waiting for the Harlequin leaves and stems to become crispy dry so I can try my hand at a load of capsules.
