WEST COAST CANNABIS - ASK ED. giving bad info??


Well-Known Member
earlier i was rolling a joint, and grabbed a magazine to catch all the crumbs falling.
after blazing, i started reading the magazine a bit.

WEST COAST CANNABIS - volume 3 issue 7 july 2010
page 33- ASK ED section

My system's veg section was lit 24 hours daily. the bills were high, so i decided to change the lighting to 18 on 6 off. my idea is to turn the lights off one hour every four. will this cause my plants to flower? what if i just turn them off for one 6-hour period each day?"

"Since the growth of plants is dependent on light, cutting back the light by 25% will result in slowing the plants' growth by 25%. although this saves you on your electric bill, it has certain hidden costs. you pay rent on the room, and you contribute labor. by cutting back light 25% you are receiving a smaller return on the cost of the room and your labor. although you are saving on power you are lowering the efficiency of the grow room and increasing the cost of production. consider this befor changing the light regimen. if you do choose to decrease the lighting to 18 hours a day your plants will be happier with one hour off and three on throughout the day rather then one long blackout period. the chang from continuous lighting to one long dark period is enough to trigger flowering, it will just interrupt photosynthesis and slow growth."

does anybody else disagree with this statement?
6 hours enough to trigger flowering, a plant being happier with a 4 on, 1 off light schedule(would cause more stress then any thing?) giving vegging plants a photoperiod slows growth.

idk, im kinda just wondering im crazy for disagreeing, or if the writer is crazy for publishing bad info, and sending a grower down the wrong path..


Well-Known Member
It does seem like a bit of jumbled advice...but then I am not really in agrement with running your plants for 24 hours of light....cannabis does not grow naturally in the North Pole as far as I am aware.
His reply is effectively correct, but perhaps not the one that should have been given. Having 4 dark periods throughout your daylight period is not necessarily going to be harmfull, but lets face it, when do you have four eclipses in one day! and even on rainy and bad wether days, the sun is still penetrating through....

I agree, piss poor retort!! lol.


Well-Known Member
This seems to be a variant on "quartering" the day into six hour segments and running the lights five on, one off.

This is a technique that goes back to the early 90's, but has fallen out of favor as more and more of the available strains are hybrids and are very sensitive to light interuption.

Haven't heard of that in a long time, whoever that "Ed" is...God help us all if it's Ed Rosenthal, he's really dragging up some old school stuff.


Well-Known Member
well Ed Rosenthal being a writer, and photographer for the magazine, oh n the pic of him above the Q and A section sorta points towards it being his response, lol.
sorta just dissapointing when most of the great info iv read, is from Ed...
and also most of that info trying to get the "what would mother nature do" point across makes it seem even more of a odd response


Well-Known Member
I don't believe a 6 hour dark period is enough to trigger flowering...Ed usually has the best advice...What's going on!? lol



Well-Known Member
whoever that "Ed" is...God help us all if it's Ed Rosenthal, he's really dragging up some old school stuff.
A bit of ironic humor that seemed to miss the mark. Ed's been preaching the good word for as long as I've been able to read, but it sure seems he slapped a coat of paint on it and called it good somewhere around 94-95. Nothing new, nothing innovative...really from the whole publication. Bud porn, advertisements and recycled information that quit progressing....sad really.