Were getting sprayed with Aluminum & Barium. Watch this!


Well-Known Member
Just wathed this crazy documentary last night. Ever see those long white trails the airplanes leave behind?

Its called "What in the world are they spraying?"

U outdoor guys will be very interested in this.

This isn't some consipiracy shit. Its real proof. The last 5 years farmers (especially in cali) have been noticing their soil changing drastically and finding huge amounts of aluminum and barium all over there crops.

Watch the movie for all the info.



Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wonder how people are so stupid as to think that the people they claim do this "spraying" would actually want to harm their own family, and themselves... because this doesn't target just one specific populace, it targets everyone.

So the "elite" as people call them, are spraying themselves?

Makes no sense, just like the video.


Also, watch me lay down solid facts here, 3 years ago: https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/82917-im-so-high-i-think.html

Care to debate, I'm here for an hour or so... but only after you've read the above thread.


Ursus marijanus
Come now Socata. Those aerial trails are chock full of a remarkably simple, remarkably dangerous chemical that kills THOUSANDS of people each year. cn


Well-Known Member
So did u guys watch it or what?

I can't bellieve how much aluminum there is everywhere. 69000 parts per liter of water from fresh snow tested on mt shasta. Thatss just redicolous


Well-Known Member
Just saw ur link to the other thread. Gonna read up

Im sure the elite people can have something they take to prevent them from getting poisoned. Very simple

They also don't spray the week the pres comes to LA. Fact

The geoengineers have already admitted to trying their mylar strip spraying to cool the earth.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but aluminum is rather Widely used..

id look to the factories and whatnot before i started looking at contrails.


Well-Known Member
No one cares, I made a thread about it- people dont seem to care, look at my thread - no one takes this stuff serious


Well-Known Member
I think the stuff in the food and water and vaccines keeps most people from worrying about whats in the air


Well-Known Member
humm, we´ve been massively polluting the planet for 200 years.

nuclear tests (background radiation is LOTS higher)

maybe people dont worry about it, because they allready have plenty to worry about with the air.

ever been in a big city on a summer day? when there is no wind for a few days?


Well-Known Member
for most people, just getting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads, is way enough.
cant go worrying about things you cant do shit about without your head exploding.

and there are plenty of scientists looking into this.

only thing people can do, is process their trash and control from whom they buy.
wtf are they gonna do about the big stuff?

sure, its all the Big boys fault (and the little sleeping giant for letting them)
but look, we argue over everything.

cant unite. and no one feels capable of uniting anyone unless its for making cash (getting food and a roof)
so its kinda like asking bunnies to figure out the stockmarket.


Well-Known Member
and..(turboposting :))

these things you talk of, are just symptoms of a much more serious problem.


kings and slaves. farmers and livestock which is divided into useful producers and useless eaters.

frankly you are complaining that sheep only go baah (or meeh, depending on location)


Well-Known Member
If there is so much aluminum in the air, and falling on us....then why does my roof still leak?


Well-Known Member
can not be no worse then what some smoke ... yes them chemicals you load your girls up with and think they flush out in two weeks lol....as I smoke a joint of MG .....wahooooo